Chapter 17

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**3 Weeks Later**
Side Note:
Jayla had been out of the hospital for 2 weeks and has been given leave from school. She has spent the past two weeks with her overbearing parents; after two weeks with them she decided she was going to stay with Chelsea at her house. Chelsea's parents are out of town on an anniversary vacation until next month. With only 2 more weeks until fall break she will be out until then. She is mainly staying with Chelsea, who is spending the last two weeks before break with Jayla. She won't talk to anybody or let anybody help her


I sat on Chelsea's couch staring at the tv. I didn't realize she had came back in the room until I felt the couch dip. I looked over at her then back at the wall above the tv. My heart physically ached. I keep thinking about my son. "I keep thinking about him." I whispered tears coming to my eyes. She wrapped her arm around me. I let the tears fall. "I know you do." She mumbled turning to face me so she could wrap both arms around me. I cried into her shoulder.
She moved and grabbed her phone off of the coffee table. "I'm calling him." She said scrolling through her phone, even when I told her not to. She called him. He'll come rushing over here like there is anything he can do. I sat there on the couch feeling numb. About 5 minutes later I hear the front door open. He walked into the living room and over to where I sat on the couch. I looked up at him and gave him a weak smile. "I told her not to call you." I mumbled. He grabbed my arms and stood me up and put his fingers under my chin and tilted my head making me look up at him. "I'm glad she called me. I want to be here for you." I shrugged away from him. "I'm fine Ben. Really." I said. He shook his head and came closer to me but I instinctively backed away from him. "Why won't you let me be here for you?" He asked. I shrugged. "I love you." He mumbled. "I know." I said simply looking down at the floor to avoid his eye.

"Chelsea could you give us a minute?" He said over his shoulder. I heard Chelsea leave the room. "You need to talk to me." He said as soon as she walked out. "What would you like to talk about Ben?! How my son died?! How I killed him! Would you like to talk about that?" I snapped. "Dammit he was my son too!" He shouted walking towards me. He wrapped his arms around me forcing me into his chest not giving me a chance to back away. "He was my son too." He said his voice trembling. I finally broke. I sobbed into his chest. "Our son is dead." I screamed into his chest. I beat my fist against his chest. Ben just held me tighter. He bent his head down. "We're going to get through this. We're going to make it." He whispered against my head. "You didn't kill our son baby. You didn't kill him." He said in my ear. When he said that I just cried harder. He rubbed his fingers through my hair. I eventually stopped crying. We stood in the middle of the living room for a while with him stroking my hair. "You should probably go home. You'll be missed soon." I said.

"I'm fine right where I am." He answered. "Can we at least sit down. My leg is starting to hurt." I said. He nodded. "Yes ma'am." He answered and moved over to the couch and sat down pulling me down with him. I ended up on his lap. He slid down into the couch pulling me against him. I glanced over at my casted leg. I sat there with my head on his shoulder and with him rubbing small circles on my sides. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I am being carried down the hall. I feel him lay me down in the bed in the spare bedroom I was using as my room for the time being. He gently put me down and started to creep away but I grabbed his shirt tale. He turned back around to face me. I opened my eyes and looked up and him. "Will you sit with me? Until I go to sleep...please?" I pleaded. He nodded without hesitation and sat down on the edge of the bed. I let go of his shirt. He intertwined our hands. "I love you." I whispered. "Oh baby girl I love you more." He answered. "I'm sorry I lost our baby." I whimpered my voice cracking. Ben lent forward. "Baby girl there was no way you could have controlled that. You didn't even know you were pregnant." He said soothingly. "I was far enough along. I should've known." I said. He brought his hand up and caressed my face. "It's okay. Nobody is blaming you baby." He said wiping a stray tear from my eye. His phone rang in his pocket killing the moment. His fished it out and answered it. "Hey. No, I got called into work. I'll be home soon." There was a pause. And then he hung up. "You can go if you need to." I said. He shook his head. " I told you I'd sit with you until you fell asleep and that's what I'm going to do." He answered definitely stretching out on the bed and wrapping his arms around me. I felt safe in his arms. I could feel myself calm down and I soon found myself drifting. "I love you." I said groggily. "I love you more." He answered. I placed a soft kiss on his lips before laying my head back down and drifting off to sleep.

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