Chapter 16

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2 months later

The bell rang signaling the end of the day. I leaped from my seat and bolted out into the hall. I put my books away in my locker and patiently waited for Chels so we could leave for the weekend. She walked up a few seconds later and looped her arm with mine and we started down the hall. We jumped in my car and she immediately started blaring the radio. I smiled and shook my head pulling out of my Parking spot. Eventually we got out of the school parking lot and started down the road. Chelsea started singing in a corny voice and I turned to look at her laughing. I glanced back at the road and gasped. The next thing I know I'm swerving to miss a dog in the middle of the road and drove off the road.
I woke up in a hospital bed. I looked around to see a nurse standing beside my bed. I groaned. "Hello." The nurse greeted moving to stand in front of the bed so I could see her better. "Hey." I croaked. "What happened?" I asked. I raised up and looked around again remembering Chelsea. "Where's Chelsea?" "You were in a car wreck. They said your car swerved off the road and hit a tree. Your friend is fine. She has a broken arm but should be released soon." She answered. I nodded. "Now that you're awake we're going to take you to have a few tests done. You've already been given an x-Ray and you have a broken leg..we searched your stuff and couldn't find anyone listen as emergency contact. Would you like us to call someone?" She asked. I nodded. "Can you call my parents...and my friend Ben." I answered.

She gave a slight nod and handed me a piece of paper to write down their numbers. Once that was done I had my blood
drawn and then taken for a CT. Once I made it back to my room my parents and Lexie and Ben were already there. I gave them a weak smile as my bed was being rolled back into the room. "How are you feeling sweetie?" Lexie asked coming over to my bed and rubbing a hand over my head. "How long until we have the results from the tests?" My mom asked the nurse. "Not too long. The doctor should be in in about 30 minutes to go over the results." My mom nodded. As the nurse was leaving Chelsea came strolling in with her arm in a sling. She gave me a smirk and came over and say on the edge of my bed. "Way to almost kill us bestie." She said sitting down. I rolled my eyes. "If I recall correctly it was your singing that distracted me." I countered. She smirked. " dying?" She said. I shook my head. "You couldn't be that lucky." I answered. "Just a broken leg as of right now, but they're doing more tests." I threw in. She gave a slight nod. "All I got was a broke arm...looks like I'm gonna make it." She said. "Darn." I said with a smile. She rolled her eyes.

A cellphone ringing broke up our conversation. Lexie moved away from my bedside and grabbed her phone out of her purse and sighed reading the name on the screen. "It's work. I'll be right back."  I nodded at her with a smile as she walked out of my room and into the hall. "Do you need anything honey?" My dad asked. I looked up at him. "Actually I'm dying for some Chinese." I said. He faked a groan and I giggled. "Please!" I whined. "Just because you're my little girl. Chels do you want anything?" He asked. Chels nodded and told him what she wanted. He then asked Mom and Ben who told him they were good. He kissed the top of my head before walking out the door to go get our food. Shortly after that the doctor came in. He greeted us and came to the end of the bed. "Miss Ray, how are you feeling?" He asked. I shrugged. "A little sore, but overall I feel okay." I answered.
     He nodded and looked down at my chart. All of your tests came back okay...I'm sorry to inform you that your little boy didn't make it..the trauma and stress your body was through caused a miscarriage." I looked at him in shock. "I...I was...I was P-Pregnant?" I asked shocked. He gave a nod. "Yes ma'am. 15 weeks..I apologize. I thought you were aware." I shook my head and glanced over at my mother who still looked in disbelief. I looked over at Ben who was completely pale. "I'll leave you to talk with your family." The doctor said excusing himself. My mom finally spoke. "I..Uh..I'll go call your father and the rest of the family." She said walking towards the door. When she walked out she closed the glass door behind her and I saw her walk past Lexie who was still on the phone outside my window. I turned back to look at Ben when I heard him move. He came over and say on the edge of my bed. "I had a baby Ben..we had a son." I said starting to cry. He brought my into him and I buried my face in his chest and I cried. I heard Chelsea get up and walked out into the hall. I moved away from him but he kept his arm around me. "I'm sorry Ben." I said after a few minutes. "Don't be. I'm just glad you're okay. You can always have another baby, we can't have another you." He said softly. I rested my head against his shoulder.

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