Chapter 24

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I sat down on the couch just getting back from Ben's. My eyes were all red and puffy from crying the whole way home and in my car in the driveway for a while. My parents luckily were still out of town and wouldn't be back for a week. My doorbell rang and I sighed getting up to answer it. Will was standing there. I looked down and backed up opening the door wider so he could come in. "How did your meeting with your 'friend' go?" He said coming in the door. The way he said 'friend' really pissed me off. "It went fine." I answered shortly. He scoffed. "What's your problem?!" I said slamming the door. "So this friend was it the one you slept with?" I came over and slapped him. "No! You don't get to do that. You don't get to be all holier than thou when I told you that because I wanted to open up to you and be transparent with you!" He shook his head. "You must have a different definition for transparent then, because you're still not telling me who you just had to go see this afternoon. Like it's some big secret." I stared at him dumbfounded. "It was Ben! I went to see Ben! He's helping me with my medical classes since he is a doctor!" I answered with a eye roll. "Is that all you're doing with him?!" He snapped.  "If you're not happy then just leave me! If you can't let it go then just leave!" I screamed in his face. "No! I'm not going anywhere because I promised you I'd never leave you! I promised you that I would love you!" He screamed back. "Even when you hate me." I whispered. "Even when I hate you." Will answered definitely.

He walked towards me and stopped in front of me and brought me into him crashing our lips together. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I remembered Ben and I could feel the tears sliding down my cheeks. I stepped towards him until there was no space between our bodies. He intensified the kiss by picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked over to the couch and gently laid me down on it his body towering over mine. Our lips parted for a brief moment before I pulled his face back down to mine. Chelsea walking through the door broke the kiss again. I jumped up to sitting position. "Did I just walk in on something?" She asked looking a little embarrassed. I nodded and Will grumbled "kinda." He said. She shrugged and came over to the couch and plopped down. "Oh well. I came to see my bestfriend." She said sitting beside me. "Luke is also coming over. So Will will have someone to talk to." She said. I nodded and smirked. "You thought of everything didn't you?" I chuckled. She gave a slight nod. "Never come unprepared." Just then my front door opened again and Luke appeared in the living room doorway. "Hey cuzzo."I greeted as he walked in. "Hey." He said walking in and pecked Chelsea on the lips before sitting on the other side of Chelsea. "Wanna go outside?" Chelsea asked looking over at me. I gave a slight nod and stood up. Will grabbed my hand and brought me forward and planted a soft kiss on my lips.
I straightened back up and followed Chelsea out the back door and onto the porch. "Have you decided what you're going to do about the whole Ben thing?" She asked immediately. I shook my head tears coming to my eyes. "We're over." I said the tears spilling out of my eyes. "He offered to marry me Chels." I sobbed. She scooted over in the swing and wrapped her arms around me. "Are you prepared for what that would mean?" She asked. I shook my head. "That's why I broke things off." I said into her shoulder. "It'll be okay. Will is a great guy." She said and I nodded. "He is." I answered. I heard a truck door slam around the front of my house from the driveway and I immediately knew who it was. I jumped up and Chelsea followed me as I sprinted around the house and to Ben. I slowed when I got closer to me and he saw me.

"What in the hell are you doing Ben?" I asked. He shrugged. "I had to come over here." I instinctively walked towards him. "Please don't do this..please." I begged my voice trembling. I didn't have to tell him what I meant for him to understand. He knew just as well as I did that I would take him back as soon as our bodies touched...all he'd have to do is give me that look and I'd get lost in his arms. He ran his hands through his hair showing he was upset. He looked back up at me and I saw despair on his face. "I love you." He said simply. "I know.." I took a deep breath. "You know I'll always love you." I said my voice cracking. I felt Chelsea wrap her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in her shoulder. I heard Ben open and close his door and walk over to us then back to his truck and get in and drove away. "Jayla you need to look at this." Chelsea breathed. I moved away so I could see. In her hand was an opened locket inside was a picture of me and him; a selfie I had taken forever ago and on the other side was a picture of baby footprints. And inscribed on the back of the locket was "forever connected" I held it in my hand. Tears streaming down my face. My heart physically ached. Chelsea took it out of my hand and put it on me for me. I pulled out my phone. "Thank you for my necklace B. I love it. Xo" I texted him. "You're welcome Jay. I'm glad you love it. Xoxo." He replied quickly. I put my phone away and just stood in the yard feeling the breeze hit my body. I was numb. "We better go in soon. We will be missed." Chelsea said. I nodded and followed her back around the house and in the back door. I slipped my necklace into my shirt. I wasn't feeling like dealing with an argument over would be a fight he would lose. I said to myself. We made our way back into the living room where Will and Lucas were watching tv.

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