Chapter 21

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I woke up and felt arms tighten around my waist. "Good morning." Ben mumbled and kissed my neck. "Morning." I said yawning. I grabbed my phone off of the bedside table. I had three texts from Chelsea. 'Are you with Ben?'  ... 'Are you still asleep?' ... 'call me when you wake up we have to talk!' I sighed and dialed her number. She answered on the second ring. "Jay! Are you still at his house or are you home?" She asked before I could open my mouth. "Yeah Chels I'm still at his house. I just woke up. You can come over if you want." I said. "I'll be there in 15 minutes." Was all she said before the line went dead. Okay then..what's her deal now. I thought to myself. "So we're gonna have company?" Ben said over my shoulder. I turned to face him. "Not for 15 more minutes." I said pulling his face down to mine. He moved one of my legs and made his way in between them. "You better make it quick." I said breaking the kiss with a giggle. He smirked and planted his lips back on mine and I felt his fingers find the top of my panties and pull them down.


Chelsea knocked on the door causing us to get out of the bed and throw on our clothes. I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and run a brush through my hair. Once I was done I started down the stairs and Ben went in the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a quick shower. I answered the door and Chelsea came on in and went over to the couch and plopped down. I did the same. "What did we have to talk about?" I asked after she said nothing. "Where's Ben?" She asked ignoring my question. "Upstairs showering." I answered. "We have to talk about this Jay." She said looking over at me. When I didn't say anything she went on.
"When you first told me it was cool or whatever, but then you got pregnant...and lost it. And here we are 3 years later and 20 years old and you're still sleeping with a married man Jay." She said her eyes softening. "I know. You don't think I know it's wrong? I feel terrible, and when she talks to me about their problems I just want to admit to everything." I said. "Then stop." Chelsea said as if it was the simplest thing in the world. A tear slipped down my cheek. "I can't Chelsea!" I said my voice cracking. "Oh my fell for him. You have feelings." She gasped. I shrugged. "I didn't mean to." I argued. "This is what happens when you sleep with somebody for three years." She mumbled. "What about Will? What if he turns out to be the one? What if y'all get married? What then? Will you be married and cheating on your spouse too?" She said.

"No of course not. If it comes to that, if Will is the one I won't do that to him. I'll break it off." I said definitely. I wouldn't wreck Will. I heard Ben coming down the stairs humming something. "Good morning Benjamin." Chelsea said as Ben reached the living room. "Morning Chelsea." He said in return. He looked over at me and winked. "I'm starving. You cooking?" I asked. "Of course. Chelsea would you like food also?" Ben asked glancing back over at Chels. "Of course! I can always eat." She said. He nodded. "I'm cooking biscuits and hash browns and bacon." He said turning and started into the kitchen. "What if that's not what we wanted?!" I said playfully. "Then come cook for yourself because that's what I'm cooking!" He said from the kitchen. We laughed. "I guess you're lucky that's what we wanted anyways!" Chelsea said. "Needy Children." He said sarcastically. "Now that's just wrong all together! We are self sufficient 20 year old WOMEN!" I answered. He chuckled. "Oh yes. I forgot y'all were grown." He answered. I smirked. "Hurry up with our breakfast old man!" Chelsea ordered. I giggled.

About fifteen minutes later he came out of the kitchen and announced breakfast was ready. We hopped up off the couch and followed him into the kitchen and fixed our coffees and sat the down on the kitchen table and fixed our plates. We are mainly in silence. Chelsea and Ben would occasionally talk about how her classes were going. I would input in the conversation sometimes but not very much. I was too busy lost in thought about what I was going to do. I couldn't keep doing this. He's married, and they are trying to have a family and I have Will...I know I've only been on one date with him but I don't know something feels different. My phone rang from the other room bringing my out of my thoughts. I got up and went into the living room to answer it. Speak of the devil. I smiled reading his name on my phone.

"Hey." I said answering it. "Good morning beautiful." He greeted. My smile grew into a grin. "What are you doing today? I'd love to see you again." He said. "Nothing. I'm eating breakfast right now but after that I'm not doing anything." I answered quickly. "Wanna go to the park for an afternoon picnic?" He asked. "I'd love too." I said. "About 4 good for you?" He asked. I looked over at the clock and saw it was just 11. "4 is perfect." I confirmed. "Great! I'll come pick you up. See you at 4." He said. I grinned. "See you then." I said before hanging up. I was too excited to eat. I sat down that silly grin still plastered on my face. Lord Jay he's making you act like a silly girl with her first crush. Eventually the other two came into the living room. "You done eating?" Ben asked walking back in the room. I nodded. "Yes. It was wonderful thank you." I said and smiled over at him. He gave a slight nod before walking back into the kitchen. "What is that goofy grin for?" Chelsea asked coming to sit down beside me.

I turned to look at her. "I have an afternoon picnic date." I said. She smirked. "You realize you're sounding like a little girl with her first boyfriend." She said amused. I shrugged. "I know it. And I don't know why either." I said. "It's adorable." She cooed. I laughed. Ben cleared his throat coming back into the living room. "Can you just drop me by my house when you leave?" I asked Chelsea. She nodded. "I can take you home." Ben said. "You don't have to. I go that way anyways." Chelsea said. He shook his head. "I can." He insisted. She shrugged and I have a slight nod. I don't really care either way "I just have to be home by 2." I said. "Okay. I'll get you home by 2." He said. "What are you gonna wear?" Chelsea asked turning back to look at me. I shot her a look. "I don't know. Haven't really thought about it." I answered nonchalantly.


"I don't want you to go out with him!" Ben hollered standing on his side of the bed. "Well it's not really up to you is it?!" I hollered back. "Jayla you know how I feel about it." He said his voice softening. "Ben you're trying to have a child and start a family! You can't have it both ways! Let me move on! Before you shatter my heart Ben let me go!" I said tears welling up in my eyes. "Please.." I said a tear slipping from my eye. He just nodded and left the bedroom and went down stairs. I grabbed my purse and put on my shoes and followed down the stairs and out the front door. We rode back to my house in silence. I got out of the truck without a word spoken. I walked into my house and mumbled a "hello." To my parents and went up to my room and started to get ready for my date.

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