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********* 5 years later ********

Christmas Eve

I stood in the doorway to my kitchen looking into the living room and saw all the people I loved most sitting in one room. Chelsea was there with Luke. Their two kids Jeremih and Sarah were here. My wonderful parents and grandparents were here along with Ben's parents. Christina and her boyfriend Max were here along with Molly and Jake, who were now married and expecting their first child in the spring. Devin just got here with his wife Elizabeth and their son Jacob.
     I looked around and saw my wonderful husband Ben sitting in the floor with our 5 year old Danielle and our toddler Emma. I smiled at him when he glanced up at me. He got up and came over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. He let go of me and we went back into the kitchen.
     As soon as we were in there I turned and jumped into his arms and locked out lips. He broke the kiss with a chuckle. "I really love these pregnancy hormones." I placed my hand over his mouth. "Shh! It's still a secret!" I said with an eye roll. He smirked. He planted a kiss on my cheek before I pushed him away. "Go get everybody into the dining room dinner is ready." I ordered. He gave a slight nod. "Yes your majesty." He said sarcastically and started in the living room. "And don't you forget it!" I called after him.
     I picked up the plates of food and started into the dining room. I came back in the kitchen and grabbed the last of the plates. Everybody sat down and we had a wonderful meal. Everybody got along and dinner tasted good. We were now going back into the living room to spend family time together. While we were all the the dining room I had Ben go grab the picture we had made about 2 weeks ago and bring it into the living room and place it on the coffee table.

       When we walked in it was sitting up in its frame. No one noticed it at first. My mother was the first to notice it. She picked it up and I smiled. Inside the frame was a picture of Danielle standing in front of the white board in the kitchen with Emma sitting at their little table and on the white board in big bold letters was the words "Big sister training class"
Mom turned around with a grin on her face. "You're pregnant?!" She asked looking at me. I grinned back at her and nodded. She put down the frame and ran over to me and threw her arms around me. I laughed. "We're having another baby!" She squealed. "We're having another baby!!" I cheered with her and soon everybody joined in too.
     Of course everybody wanted to know what I was having. Ben being the most excited had to share that it was in fact a boy. I cried when I first found out. It made me think back to the first time I was pregnant with Ben's baby, and then got in the wreck and lost him. I also thought back to the gold necklace that is laying out across our dresser. Ben wrapped his arm around me and I rested under his arm at his side.
      We all a sat around and talked for what felt like hours. "Are you excited to be coming back down?" My granny asked. I gave a slight nod as did Ben. "Yeah I am. I'm excited for them to get to go down there and see where their parents grew up." I said giving a nod towards the girls who were running around with Jacob, Jeremih, and Sarah. "I think it'll be good to get a little Tennessee in em." Ben said. I giggled and everybody else laughed. "I just hope nobody says anything to them about the past..." I said me smile fading a bit. "I can promise you I won't let that happen." My dad said. I gave him a grateful look and he smiled. "She's moved on. She got remarried several years back. She wanted to reach out, but wanted to leave y'all be." Chelsea said. "I wouldn't mind hearing from her. I miss her. I just didn't want to hurt her anymore." I answered. Ben tightened his arm around me. "I hope she's doing well." Was all he said.
     Conversation moved away from all that and moved on to something else a little easier to talk about. After spending all day there everybody decided to either go home or go to bed. We put the girls in bed and then bade goodnight to my parents and grandparents and Chelsea and Luke who were all staying at our house in the 3 empty bedrooms with Jeremih and Emma on an air mattress in the floor of the girls room.
     I walked hand in hand with my husband up the stairs and into our bedroom. I shut the door and then immediately turned and faced Ben with a smirk plastered on my lips. I came forward and back him up before pushing him down on the bed and climbing on top of him and planting my lips on his. His hands traveled up my thighs and stopped on my butt, no surprise there. "Yep.I'm loving these pregnancy hormones." He said. I smirked. "Shut up!" I said and planted my lips back on his and started unbuttoning his shirt and he started pulling my dress up. His shirt was off and I had unbuttoned his pants when the door flew open.
     "Hey Jay...oh my God!" Chels shrieked. I shot up and pulled my dress back down. "Ever heard of knocking Chels?" I asked amused. Her cheeks were bright red and she had her eyes covered. "Everything is covered now. You're good." I said with an eye roll. She slowly uncovered her eyes. "Did you need something?" I asked trying to get her to pay attention to me when she was obviously gawking at the sight of Ben on my bed shirtless. I snapped my fingers and giggled when she finally looked back at me. Her cheeks started to change color again. "Focus. What did you need?" I asked again. "Oh.. I was just gonna come tell you how excited I was about the new baby and how excited I was you were coming back home next week..." She trailed off.
     I smiled and went towards her and wrapped my arms around her. "Thank you. I'm excited too." She moved back out of my arms. "I'll let you get back to what you were doing...goodnight Jay. Goodnight Dr. Hottie." She said before walking back out of our room. I laughed hearing her call Ben by the nickname she gave him ages ago. He just shook his head with a smirk.
     I started to go back to bed with Ben when I heard little feet come running down the hall. I shook my head and Ben groaned. "We're never going to have sex again." He complained rolling over. I giggled and turned back to face the door when I heard the door handle turn. My sweet Emma appeared in the door way. "I couldn't sleep...can I sleep with y'all?" She asked in her sweet little voice. Her daddy sat up in bed and I chuckled. "Yes baby. Climb on up in bed. Mommy's going to change then I'll get in bed with you." I said and went over to the Chest of drawers and pulled out me a pair of shorts and one of Ben's T shirts. I ran into the bathroom and threw them on and Ben went in and put on a pair of sleeping pants before we both climbed into bed with Emma in between us. I kissed her forehead. "Go to sleep. Love you." I Said. "Love you too mommy" she said and then her daddy did the same. "Goodnight daddy love you too." She said in her soft little voice before snuggling up to me and falling asleep.
     I looked over her head at Ben and silently giggled. He propped up on his hand so he could reach me and planted a soft kiss on my lips. "Goodnight. I love you my wonderful husband." "I love you more my beautiful wife." He answered and laid back down. I snuggled back with my little baby Emma and Ben turned out the lights, and we drifted off into the warm blanket of sleep; before waking up to continue the wonderful family festivities tomorrow.

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