Chapter 5

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I rolled over and came face to face with my sleeping bestfriend. I flicked her nose and she jumped back rubbing her nose. I laughed as her eyes fluttered open. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I said in my best mom voice. She groaned. I heard a knock on the bedroom door. "Come in." I answered. Lexie opened the door. "Ben cooked breakfast are y'all ready to eat?" I nodded sitting up. I nudged Chelsea she rolled over and stretched sitting up. Lexie laughed. "Did you sleep good Mary sunshine?" Chels groaned her response. I stretched and got up. "Come on breakfast time." I ordered Chelsea. She sighed and got up. I checked myself in the mirror before walking down stairs dragging Chelsea with me. When we reached the bottom of the stairs I let go of her arm and she popped the straps on my tank top and bra. "Ouch!" I whined. She laughed. I turned and walked through the living room and into the kitchen where Ben and Lexie were waiting with the table already set and our coffees made and on the counter.
I smiled at Ben who was sitting at the table. "What did you cook pops?" I asked joking. He rolled his eyes at the remark. "Why don't you come join us and find out." I nodded and came over and sat down across from him. Chels took the chair beside me. I took a drink of my coffee before I did anything. He looked over at Chelsea who still looked half dead amused. "Is someone still half asleep?" Chels looked up and him and grunted. Lexie looked at her with a smile. The next thing I know she's singing some random song and Chelsea is looking like she wants to cry and just go to bed. I died. Chelsea looks over at Lexie and is so serious. "Lex I love you so much but if you don't stop singing I'll have to kill you." She threatened. Lex didn't bat an eye she just starting singing some song she made up about being killed by an angry teenage girl. She was killing me. Chelsea was trying to look all serious but you could tell she was starting to give in. Ben leaned across the table and started talking to Chelsea. "I promise you she won't stop until you at least smile at her." He informed her. Chelsea taking Ben's advice looked over at Lexie and flashed her a smile. Lexie stopped singing and grinned. "That's better." I smirked. We continued eating our breakfast enjoying each other's company.

We finished our breakfast and me and Chels offered to do the dishes. Lexie and Ben greatfully agreed. We got to work on the dishes. Lexie brought over her dishes and went upstairs to take a quick shower. Ben came over with his and brushed up against me letting me feel his hard member. I pressed my butt back against him teasing him. He dropped his dishes in the sink and walked out of the kitchen I smiled in triumph. We quickly finished the dishes and went into the living room and flopped down on the couch where Ben was sitting. He was flipping through the tv stations looking bored. "So what are we doing today old man?" I asked teasingly. He glanced over at me and then back at the tv. "We're ditching you two children then going and doing something super fun." Chelsea looked over at me before rolling her eyes and answering him. "Come on gramps you know we make your day! You'd be so bored without us around!" I giggled as Ben shook his head vigorously. "Nope. Id make it just fine without you two kids." I shook my head. "You know you love us too much to not hang out with us!" I retorted. He smirked stifling a laugh. "Something like that." I shook my head smiling. Lexie came down the stairs then and sat down beside us.  "How about we go to the lake?" She suggested looking over at us. W E nodded in agreement. "Fine with me I just need to stop and grab a swimsuit." Lexie shook her head. "I have some y'all can wear." I agreed. "How about we go out on the lake babe." Lexie said looking over at Ben. He looked at us and shook his head. "I'm not taking them hoodlums out there!" He aggravated. Lexie sighed rolling her eyes with a smile. "We are taking Chels and Jay with us." She answered. I stuck my tongue out at Ben and he just shook his head. We sat there for a few more minutes until we all got up to go get ready. Me and Chels followed Lexie up to hers and Ben's room where she handed us two of her bikinis. Chelsea went to the bedroom while I went downstairs to the other bathroom. I had just walked in and was fixing to change clothes when Ben walked in. I smirked up at him; looking at him in the mirror behind me. He wrapped his arms around me. I lent back in his arms.
"You know I love Chelsea but I've been waiting for her to go away all morning." He whispered in my ear then planted a kiss on my temple. I smiled and turned around to face him. I pulled his lips to mine. I broke the kiss. "I have to get changed." I whispered against his lips. He groaned. "I could help with that." Ben said suggestively. I laughed. "No. I'm changing alone get out." He pouted but opened the door and walked back out. I took a deep breath and started changing into my swimsuit. I walked back out into the living room to wait for everyone else to come down stairs. Ben came down first. He looked over at me and smirked. "Will you help me get stuff loaded?" I nodded getting up and following him out to the garage where the boat was. He checked to make sure we had lifejackets on board so we wouldn't get I trouble if we were stopped. Once everything was checked he climbed back out of the boat and walked around to hit the button to open the garage grabbing my ass on the way by. I shook my head smiling and followed him out to the truck. He backed up to the boat and got it out on the trailer hitch. Lex and Chelsea came out with the cooler and a bag full of beach towels. We loaded them into the back of the truck then climbed in and headed off to the lake.

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