Chapter 4

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I woke up in his bed. I rolled over and was met with a kiss. It startled me but I quickly kissed him back. He broke the kiss and admired my naked body. "Last night was great." He said lustfully. I looked up at him with a smirk. "Yes it was." I breathed planting my lips to his again. He rolled over so he was on top of me. I tangled my hands in his hair he started kissing down my neck when we heard the front door open. We immediately broke apart. "Shit." He cursed under his breath. I moved so I was able to grab my clothes and throw them on. I moved towards the door and quickly walked out before Lexi had the chance to walk upstairs. "Hey Lex!" I greeted as she came up the stairs. She looked startled not expecting me to be here. "Hey Jay?" "I crashed here last night I had one of my friends bring me over to bring something to Ben from mom for work. We watched tv and I fell asleep, so I just crashed in the spare bedroom." I quickly explained. She nodded, just then Ben walked out of their bedroom. "Well look at you early riser!" He said to me looking up at me. I rolled my eyes but had a smile on my face. He was good at this. He lent over and quickly kissed Lexie. I looked away.

"Sorry I didn't tell you she stayed. It was just so late when she asked if she could crash for the night." Lexie nodded and smiled over at me. "It's fine. You know this house is always open to you." I nodded with a smile. "I forgot my phone I'll be right back." I said walking back to the bedroom I "slept" in. I walked in and undid the perfectly made bed so it looked like I did sleep here. I turned and walked back out and went back out into the hall and downstairs. I picked up my phone that was laying on the coffee table. I walked into the kitchen to find Ben in there standing at the stove. I walked over to the coffee pot and started some. I stood there staring out the window zoned out when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I sighed falling back into his arms. "I can't...we can't..." I shivered feeling his breath against my ear. "We can." I was fixing to answer when I heard Lexie. "Hey babe." I heard her voice from upstairs. He didn't move. "Yes baby?" "Can you come here for a second?" She called back. He sighed and let go of me. He walked out of the kitchen and I heard him head up the stairs. I took a deep breath. He's married. You slept with a married man last night. And this married man is your friends husband. And not only is it wrong it's illegal. My mind sneered. I groaned. I heard them start down the stairs. I tried to make myself calm down and act like nothing happened. I turned when they walked into the kitchen. I smiled at Lexie. "How was the conference for work?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "A waste of time." I nodded. "Most work conferences are." I said with amusement. "Who's ready to eat?" Ben asked changing the subject. I nodded turning back to coffee pot and grabbed 3 mugs. I fixed everybody's coffee while Ben and Lex set the table and brought the food over. I grabbed their cups first and took them to the table I went back to the counter to grab my cup when I felt a hand slap my ass.
I spun around to see a smirking Ben thankfully Lexie was facing away from us. I playfully hit his chest grabbing my cup a walking back to the table. I sat there eating my delicious breakfast when I felt a hand travel up my thigh. My eyes grew wide and I opened my mouth to protest. Lexie looked at me confused. "I uh..Breakfast is really good." Lexie smiled nodding. "It's great baby." She said looking at Ben and leaning in for a kiss. He quickly pecked her lips. I looked down at my plate awkwardly. Ben must have noticed because I felt his hand squeeze my thigh. I finished the last of my coffee and got up and dropped my plate and cup in the sink. I started the water and added the dish soap. I walked back over to the kitchen table and picked up the empty plates. "Oh you don't have to Jay I got them." Lexie protested. I shook my head. "Y'all cooked I'll clean." Lexie reluctantly agreed. Ben looked over at his wife and planted a small peck on her lips. "Why don't you go unpack and shower. I'll help Jay down here." Ben suggested. Lexie nodded getting up. Ben grabbed his and her plates and came over to sink dropping them in the water. I grabbed a towel and started washing. I heard Lexie head up stairs and then their bedroom door shut. "We can't do this to her. She's my friend." I said quietly. He sighed coming up to the sink beside me and grabbed the clean dishes and started drying them. "I didn't think this would happen. Before last week if someone had said I'd be sleeping with you, one of my wife's closest friends not to mention a minor, I would have laughed in their face. I never planned on sleeping with you." He answered. I nodded in reply. "Are we still gonna do this?" He asked wrapping his arms around me again. I leant back into him. I felt his member against my back.

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