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Ally wore to bed a dark purple almost black tank and black shorts I wore to bed a black tank with short black shorts.
It's 10:47 almost 11:00. "We got to get ready". "Okay but get ready what?" "To leave we got to go now". Draco walked in the room. "You guy's ready to go?" Draco stood there motionless. "Draco?" "Draco?!" he snapped back to reality. "What? I'm hear I'm fine". Ally nudged me. "Quit it". "you girls ready?" Draco asked as he walked out the door. "Come on let's go". We grabbed our ligh jakets just in case it got cold. I lead the way pass the teachers and other things but, then I ran into the Wesley's Fred and George. "what are you doing hear?" I asked. "well love, we saw you on the marauder's map of course see". Fred took the piece of parchment out of his pocket and handed it to me. "Of course the marauder's map!" "Wait Elizabeth you know what this is?' "Ally don't you remember the books like in the first one in the sorcerer's stone and now this, except 3rd and 2ond year is switched from what I know". "I never read them so you should know everything that's happening in this world we could prevent things from happening". "True". The boys looked at us. " what are you talking about?" George asked. "Wait are you guys time travlers!" The twi s looked at each other. "Cool!" They said at the time time. "Wait what no?! Anyway come one guys weasly'z are you guys comming?" "No way we got to finish working on our prank for.. someone". "Okay bye guy's". We hurried down the corridor.
Time pass
"I guess there not hear". I walked back to there they were hiding. "Toled you it was just nothing I didn't even believe it". "but what if it was Draco and he wanted u to go but he knew that I was coming? " "hey where is Draco anyway?" "I don't know". "hey Elizabeth". I turned around and Draco was showing off at the lake. "come on Ally". I started walking towards the Lake. "no I'm going in" ."why? " "I'm cold and tired and I got a big day tomorrow". "okay, bye smell you later". "bye". She got up and left. I sat on the edge of the lake now where did he go again? I started looking around the lake maybe he was in the water? I got pushed bye some one and was in the water I returned to the surface it was Draco. "Draco I'm gonna kill you!" "and what are you going to do?" he got closer to the edge and grabbed his shirt and pulled him into the water with me. "now your wet". Some one pushed me up out of the water from under me and I fell back in. "who did that? " "me" Fred said behind me. "Fred really?" "no not really it was george". "oh wow so this was your prank". We all played in the water for a bit the the Wesley's left and it was just me and Draco. I took off my jacket so it could dry on the grass, and Draco helped me out of the water. "you okay?" "yeah just wet and a bit cold". "hear". He walked over to the tree and pit his jacket over my shoulders then sat next to me. "thanks". I said with a smile. "no problem when ever you need help I'll help,.. You know like how a friend needs help I'll be there". I frowned and rest my head on his shoulder wile we looked at the castle lights in the distance he wrapped a arm around me and I relaxed knowing it was okay that I had my head on his shoulder. "you comfortable?" "yeah, thanks". I heard a twig snap in the woods behind us. "Draco, what was that?!" "I don't know". We got up. "stay hear". "Draco?" "it's okay just stay hear". We walked into the forest. Oh lordy have Merci. 'Draco,swear to god if you die I will bring you back to life and kill you my self." "Elizabeth!". He yelled I walked into the forest to find him. I've been looking for 10 minutes so far. "Draco!" "Draco" i walked farther into the forest. "DRACO!" I'm now yelling. Something came behind me and grabbed me but covered my mouth so no one could hear me. "it's okay". He whispered in my ear. I got out of his grip and smacked his chest. "don't do that, I was worried Draco are you okay". " it was just a squirl,I'm fine you?" "yeah come on let's go before we get caught". "your right come on oh and happy birthday". He grabbed my hand and stars to lead me out of the forest. "you remembered?" "yeah ever since last year you told me and I've remembered". "thanks". We got out of the forest and he grabbed my jacket, I started to take of his to hand back but he stopped me, "it's okay wear it till we get back". "okay". We walked out and into the case and snuck back into our dorms. I got into my room Ally was asleep, and the clock read 2:18 "wow I need to get some rest it's late. I dryied my hair and got into bed. A owl nocked at my window I opened the window and let it in I read the note it had in its beck and gave it some water and food. The note read "I had fun tonight I hope you did to". I put the note in the drawer, grabbed my wand and used a charm I learn to dry off my clothing and got into bed I slowly drifted to sleep.

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