secret room

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I turned the corner and the room was hear from what the map says. I looked to see if they were anyone following me.  "Malfoy". Professor snape was down the hall. "Yes proffesor". "What are you doing!" I hurried down the hall. "Proffesor". "Miss. Riddle what are you doing?!" "Um, dumbledor, room, ". He still had a confused look on his face. "Dumbledor told me to go to a room, pratice". "Okay I remember now so that covers you but Mr. Malfoy not you". I looked at draco. "He was coming with me dumbledor told me I could bring someone with me just incase something". "Proffesor". Lupin was coming now I leans over to draco "this just gets better and better doesint". I wisppered to him. "Lupin I have this". "Seems like". "Proffesor I was just exsplaning to proffesor snape that dumbledor told me to go somewhere and to bring someone with me just incase something happens I was just saying and we were going to be on ower way". "Okay". He walked away I nudged draco and we quietly ran down the hall and I got us into the room. We Leander against the wall. "Thanks". "What were you doing!?". "Following you?" He said with his casual wonderful smirk I just rolled my eyes and smiled. I got off the wall and draco followed."so what are you sopose to do in this room anyway?" "Pratice". "Pratice what?" "My wolf form". "So you heed a secret room?!" "Dumbledor L's choice besides if Simone finds out then how am I sopose to sneek up on them if I need to theology be alerted and be more careful and when they find out I'm the fidgen dark lords daughter there going to freak!!!!" "No they won't". "Yes they will they'll hate me". "No they wont, because I still like you". "......what?" "I mean like a friend". He said nurvosly and rubbing the back of his neck. "Okay?" I walked to the vented of the room. Okay just think and focus. I was pacing back and fourth. "What's". "Sush I need complete silence!"  Draco stood there. I stopped pacing I took one big leap and I was in wolf form. "wow". Draco said. I walked over to the mirrior in the room it had a bit of black around edge of the mirror with a couple of cracks in the mirror. Wow I looked amazing beautiful midnight black fur and sky blue eye's. "Do you know how to change back?" "I sure hope". I got up on the table that was there and hopped down I was back in my clothing and human form. "That was easy". I door almost opened me and draco hurried to a opening in the wall it was crowded we were almost smudged up against each other. Dumbledor came in "draco stay hear". I whispered I came out of hiding "oh there you are its been 4 hours its past curfew you need to go to sleep get some rest, oh and was it easy?" "Yeah it was actually much easyier than I thought". "Can I see?" "Sure". I got back to the vented of the room it took me half the time it did before and I was back to the beautiful black wolf. "Very good, now back to human". It took me 30 seconds to get back to human. "Very good but you need to know how to transform in less time lets try next time,  lets say 10 seconds maybe". "I'll try, so I'm able to come hear when ever I want?" "Yeah". "Thanks dumbldor". I gave him a hug. "Okay now get to bed". "Yes I'll be there soon". "Okay". He left the room and draco came out "come on we got to go". "Okay". 

We left the room and went to bed Ally was a sleep when I got back. 

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