the day berfore the last

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I got woken up by Ally this morning. She sat/jump on my bed. "Hey are you okay?" She ask softly. I sat up slowly and rubbed my neck were i was biten and now a bandage over it. "Yeah sure". I swung my leggs over and got up, "come one lets go hit the showers". "K". We left the room.
1 hour later
We were back in our rooms and dressed doing our hair. Today I wore my hair down because I took the bandage off what's the use of it, my bite stopped bleeding. "Lets go". Ally said betting me to the door. We smiled and walked out of the room, "comeon lets go see how the boys are doing". I said as we exit the slytherine common room. We sat in the great hall 30 mins early before anyone came, waiting for the boys to come out. Not long after Herminie plopped down next to Ally. "Hey guys". "Hey". We both said. "Hey minie you okay?" Ally asked. "Yeah I'm fine, you guys alright?" "Yeah for the most part". Ally replyed for us well mostly me.
Time skip
"Finaly. There hear but and hour late". Its only been 40 mins late not an hour. I turned my head to see witch one of them were hear. Suprizingly all of them were hear, Heading to the table. Draco sat next to me, witch made me blush abit I mean come on he could of sat next to Ally! Harry next to Ron who's next to his "girlfriend" "awe" I looked at Ron making him stop and look up. "Oh hush up will yea". "Gezze bossy Much, or just to impress". "Oh quiet". I smiled and took and apple from one of the bowls set out infront of us, as draco did the same. I bit into it not paying attention to what everyone was saying I was just alone in my thoughts. Someone nudged me I looked up and they were all staring. Fred and George also made it to the table I musing have noticed. "What?" "Open it". Fred said. I looked down and there was a little note on my plate. I opened it. Elizabeth would you like to see lupin before he leaves just to help him out a bit and bring Ally with you if you'd like. You know how much she likes him, I wont tell her dad don't worry your secret is safe with me.
"Well what does it say?" Asked Harry. "Nothing. Ally come on". Ally and I left the table and walked/ran to professor lupins room. Our hair got out of place from running up the stairs. Lupin was in the room packing his back to us as we entered. "Come in guys". "Uh,.. how, did you know?". He turned around "I saw you". And pointed to the map. Oh right we nodded once. Ally walked over to him and placed her hand on his arm. "You look horrible are you alright". Lupin blushed abit before responding. She kept her hand on his arm as he answered. "Yes I'm fine I've been worse". Ali looks at me as she realized what she just said she mouthed "he's been worse!?!?!?!?!" she let go of his arm and walked over to me while he walked around his desk and finished up with the packing.
time skip! 5 min later.
Five minutes later we were still in his office watching him pack Ally walked over to me, she knocked stack of books onto the floor. I hurried over to the floor to pick up the book Lupin came around to help me pick up, before he came down onto the floor to help he notice the bite mark on my neck. I handed him the books one by one to put up on the desk to have them packed away. " I'm sorry,
Mrs riddle". lupin said. "why are you sorry professor, ally should be the one that is sorry". I quickly glared at her playfully. "No not because of that because, of what happened last night." 'It's alright it wasn't your fault professor, it was just nature, well" I faintly smiled. "werewolf nature anyway". he looked at me Warley before speaking again. "No its not in a werewolf's nature to just bite someone like that, including you Mrs riddle". A breeze of shock came across my face. how did he know i touched my hair and realized it wasn't how i wanted it to be, so of course he saw it didn't cover the bite after it got messed up. Voldemort! why did i just say voldemort!oh yeah because its seemed around hear it is a bad word, or feared anyway. I looked over to Ally, she just stood there watching. lupin, looked from the bite back to me. "professor just like i said its not your fault"."yes it is". he looked at the ground. "No it's not!,its not like you can control,what happened and when it happens!" he continued to look at the ground. "No I guess you cant" he rose his head" but that was still me, the me that was there last night the one who did that to you!". he looked at me in the eyes. i sighed through my nose and closed my eyes. opened them, " Okay, fine believe what you want, but I belive in the truth and that truth is, is that you did not do it that was someone else someone that is not you, not the real you, that someone was a wizard that was posses, uncontrollable, and was afraid, and that thing was not you, and my friend loves you for it". i became wide eyed and coved my mouth with my hands to stop me from talking. lupin turned around to face Ally who was right behind him, she was looking at the ground twisting her foot into the floor boards. "Ally, is that true?" he stepped closer to her, and she ooked ufrom the ground. "Yes, is true professor". he stooped down and lifted her chin in a finger, and bent down and kissed her. I was happy for her but,... also grossed out a bit. she wrapped her arms around his neck as he placed his hands on her waist,as I started walking to his desk to grab the map and left the room, and back to the great hall to talk with them until we decided to leave, the hall. I ran down the steppes and the corridor and slowed as i was going to enter the great hall. I walked over to the table, and sat at my old spot next to Draco. i had an hand on the table and a hand on the bench on the side closest to Draco. He bent over to my ear and whispered, " i'm glad your back, it was so boring hear with out you, no-one to talk to without fighting with them" he strained up. "So,were did you and Ally go to". he had put his hand on top of mine, and glanced at me. i showed no reaction although, in my head i was screaming and blushing like crazy! "We,..uh.. we had to go to a teacher's room". witch was no lie. "Oh" ally showed up and sat from across me. "Hey guys" our little group of friends looked at me. "Ally has gotin' her self a boyfriend". "Who?" Hermine asked. Ally kicked me under the table, with a smile and I ignored it. "Yeah well Elizabeth, hs a boyfriend of her own, in her imagination but he's real and is sitting t this table and likes her to!". Draco frowned beside me,she said with a smile, "He does not!" "Does too!" "Who is it Elizabeth" Draco asked as he turned to face me, and he took his hand off of mine I frowned to, "I can proboly see if they do like you if there t this table there most likely a Slitherine". Ally cut into the convocation. "Its,.D". i cut her off."Its no one don't listen to her". I faked a smile,hoping he would cheer up and put his hand back on mine.

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