telling them

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The next morning was saturday. After breckfast I asked all of my friends to come into my room to tell them something urgent. "Okay guys there are a couple of things I just learned and I just might lose my friends because they might be scared but don't tell anyone". "Elizabeth we'll still be your friends". Draco said I razed my eye brow at him. "Okay so hear it goes. I'm the.. dark lords daughter". I said the last part fast and closed my eyes. Nothing happened I opened my eyes nothing still. "Elizabeth why would you think that we will stop being you friends because of that?" I looked around everyone looked almost normal but still a hint of fright on there face exsept Ron he was full on scared. Poor Ron sorry. "Did you not just hear me I'm the dark lords". "I know we heard you the first time". Herminie said cutting me off. "Elizabeth but how you not like him at all". Harry says. "We actually I might be cuz he's a parsuletong and I am too but I'm also an amagus. And sorry Harry about what my dad did I". "Its okay it not your fault". "Really does Ms. McGonagall know?" Ally ask. "I don't know I guess I mean it seems like all the profersors know about it". "Well, whatever it doesint matter were your friends still no matter how creppy or how much this makes no sence at all but were still your friends nomatter what". "Thanks I knew I could trust you guys".

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