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He walked down the corridor of the school, craving to get to class on time. He sigh as he walk into the class, eyes setting on him because he went to the wrong classroom, "Fuck my life" he mumbled to himself, "What may I help you?" The teacher ask, he looked at her and awkwardly looked at the class then at the teacher. "Uh..Is this math class...?" He ask, the teacher raise an eyebrow and shook her head "No this is biology" he mentally face palmed, how the fuck he get mixed up between math and biology? "Heh sorry...Ha...I'm gonna leave now..." he says walking out the classroom quickly, as he walked off to his right classroom now, which is Math. 

"Mr.Iero...Why were you late?" Frank heard the voice as he walked in the classroom, "Uh...I accidentally went to a wrong classroom...Accidentally disrupting the class" Frank explains as he met the teacher's gaze, the teacher sighed "I will let you go this time, Frank...If you're late again, detention for 3 weeks" The teacher says Frank nodded quickly, as he walked over to his seat sitting down beside his friend. "So...What class you got mixed up with?" ask his friend, Frank glanced at Pete, "Biology" Frank sighs, Pete chuckled and shook his head as he look down back to his work, "You're such an idiot..." Pete says, Frank rolled his eyes "Thanks Pete".  

Frank didn't pay attention to the lesson, instead he kept looking down with his notebook on his lap, doodling but got bored as he took out his phone. He went on Twitter seeing some supportive messages along with some hate messages, he ignored the messages as he went to TheBlackVenom page, he took interest into the guy or say gamer. Frank looked through his twitter feed seeing his new video was up, it was with his brother...Frank didn't take interest into his younger brother, he seemed a bit of a dick to be honest. But, Pete in fact takes interest in Venom's younger brother, even tho' they both don't know what Venom and Kobra look like in real life, they still take interest because of their personalities and there voice. Frank smiled a little as he decided to message Venom, he never really do that except for Pete, which his stupid user name is Immortal_Like_Lunatic. 

Frank thought for a minute or so before he got a message on his mind, he wanted to do a video with Venom. Not for views, not for subscribers, but actually get to know him. Frank took notice that Venom only record videos by himself and only with his younger brother, Frank thinks he has no friends...But a guy with 900,000 subscribers who doesn't have internet friends? 

'Hi....I will like to do a collab with you on a video? I love you're videos and I wanted to know if you wanted to be friends...? We can play games together'

Frank sent the message as he rolled his eyes as he didn't got his hopes up, who is he kidding? Venom won't reply to him, he won't even read the messages. Frank sighs as he put away his phone, as Pete whispered to him, "So...You hitting on a guy or some shit?" Pete whispered, Frank rolled his eyes. Why did he even bother telling Pete that he is gay? "No...I just wanted to do a collab video with Venom" Frank whispers back, taking some notes which he copied down from Pete's notebook. "Venom? You do know, he won't even notice you're message, I swear you won't do a video with him" Pete says as he look up at the teacher who is explaining something about decimals and has his back turn to us, Pete looked at Frank "I'm trying, ain't I?" Frank ask, Pete rolled his eyes as he went back to his work as Frank leaned back in his seat. 

Pete is right...He won't do a video with him, nor get noticed by him. I bet he doesn't care, he doesn't need someone else in his videos, just his brother...


Frank sat down next to Pete, as he eat while looking through his phone, looking through Youtube, Tumblr, and Twitter. "You're such a white girl..." Pete says, Frank glanced at Pete "I'm Italian, thank you very much" Frank says, Pete rolled his eyes. "Whatever...What i'm saying is that, you're like a white girl always on her phone, like fucking everywhere. See those girls over there, there not even talking! And you're becoming one of them!" Pete exclaims nodding toward a group of girls, which is like 2 tables away. Frank looked up from his phone and glanced tat the girls and see them all looking at there phones, there fingers tapping the screen "Lets say...There not attractive and have no life" Frank says as he turns off his phone and sat up a bit straighter. 

"So did, Venom message you back?" Pete ask, Frank shook his head "Pff no, I already know the answer from the guy anyways" Frank shrugged as he ate his vegetables, Pete rolled his eyes, "Anyway, wanna record some random video in Minecraft?" Pete ask, Frank shrugged "Why not". They both ate in silence as they both got up and threw away their food, and put their trays in a box for the dishwasher people I guess, Frank and Pete walked out the cafeteria "Since you message the one of the brothers, I guess I will message Kobra" Pete says as he took out his phone, Frank looked at him and shrugged "Good luck, I bet you will have the same answer" Frank says, Pete shrugged "At least I know the answer..". 


Frank and Pete recorded a video, both of them ended their video with their outros. Frank was still in minecraft as Pete logged out of the game, they were both skyping as Pete and Frank both edit their videos, having talks about random shit. Like bands, school, and food. "I couldn't fine any eyeliner, Frank...So for my birthday, please buy me a new one" Pete says, Frank giggled "Wait till' next year" Frank says, as he edit the video. "PETE WE HAVE TO GO TO THE DINNER!" Frank head a yell from Pete mic, "HANG ON MOMMY!" Pete yells Frank giggled. "Yo Iero, I have to go" Pete says in mic sounding like a fat drunk guy, "Jesus...Ok then" Frank says, Pete chuckles "So long and goodnight" He says as he logged off of Skype. Frank rolled his eyes, until he remembered, the message. 

He quickly took his phone, his phone blinking with notifications, he went on Twitter, and check his messages. Frank looked through the messages, ignoring the fan supportive spam along with hate spam messages, and then he stopped that has a user: TheBlackVenom. He replied... Frank widen his eyes as he quickly tap on the message and read it, he fucking read it and felt himself jump up and down, he threw his phone on the bed, and he ran around his room, and yelled "HE REPLIED!" He yelled as he fist bumped in the air. "Fuck you Pete!" He yelled as he jumps around his room, excited...He excited for the collab tomorrow. 

'Sure. I will like to be friends with you. Here my skype: ***********, message me first before you call me. I'm looking forward with recording with you, Remaining_Ghoul ;)' 

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