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~My mind: *Castiel voice* Hey assbutt, update. Me: K.
So here you are.

The screams echoed around the empty halls of the school, the school was deserted, the only screams can be heard by me. Since, I was the only person left at the hallway. The solitude of this hallway, and the only screams that can be heard was just there. The words from the agonizing screams, had stung in the air like words, that are meaningless but only the speaker can summarize it not filling the barren, into the explanation that was meant for someone. The words weren't all that pretty to begin with, by all pretty, the words was only spoken with sorrow. The scolding, the voice sounds so much like the cries from the other nights, the nights is always lingering with silence for the past few days. 

Grotesque words echo around the halls, perplexed of the words that had left out of the elocutionist's mouth. Apprehension fill into my mind, involving my emotions. The screams making me become afraid, to interfere, as they spoke out their flaws. Their mistakes, naive mind, thoughts, and their emotions. The craving for death, to appear before the eyes, and make them drop dead. Become a soulless body, and becoming the soul who was foolish enough to ask for a death wish. "I'm a piece of shit! Fucking die, you piece of shit!" The words that had drifted out the bathroom, and become a echo around the halls. Venomous words was left out in the halls, and followed by a silence, the words that had just been spoken was full of foolishness. 

I walked to the bathroom, I wanted to help the fatal being, I wanted them to know that they're not alone. They're precious, just like life, but life is also worthless and can include foolishness. The foolishness where you decay the thing that keep you from being, a robot

My steps were filled with hesitation. Why, was I scared? I was scared because, I have no words to comfort the being. I have no luxury words, I wasn't a speaker to bring in satisfaction, I was nothing like that. I was never the one, to have the shoulder and be soaked by tears. I was always the woe, who needed a shoulder to cry on.

I opened the door of the bathroom, my mind bringing in ignorant thoughts. The ignorance, of my own thoughts, antipathy me. Why am I going inside? Why will I even help the person inside? Oh, how much I was disgusted, by my query thoughts. The quivering speed of my thoughts, the demand for answers, the insecurity if I can help the being, whom is in sorrow.

I had walked in, and I saw him. Gerard. The destruction that someone had caused for him to, bleed and be in a state of breaking down. The failure, of where he couldn't stand the chance to win, again. My heart paced slower, as I became much more calmer, as I listened to his quiet sobs. My feet had moved along the floor swiftly -and silently- toward him, as I knelt down and hugged him.

Feeling of a shiver, as my touch surround him. Hugging him so tightly, I didn't want to move away from his shaking, body. I opened my mouth, my lips parting so slightly, my voice coming out of the familiar mouth I used so much, sounded weary. "I'm sorry, that they did that to you," he shook his head. I pulled away a little to come to face to face with him, his face stained with tears and redness like he was in pain.

He was, I knew that. I wanted to help him, and guide him, become the savior where he can look upon me, "It's not your fault..." he says, his voice trailing off, like he wanted to do something, but never came to the nerves to do it. It was like, he will lose it by pulling away, the contact which he will regret losing. My voice came across, something so calming, so sweet, that I wish it was someone else saying it, not me. "I know...But, you're hurt because I didn't help you."

I had pulled away from him, still facing him, still seeing those lifeless eyes. My bottom lip trembled, I wasn't going to cry, I just wanted to scream at him. That I wanted to help him. If I do, I will scare him. The despair I will leave him, because of the tension of my voice, I never liked yelling nor screaming. I was never a fan of it, because of how unforgettable and unforgivable memories had seek past my own voice or the other's voice.

The words dash through my mind, my brain processing. I wanted to say it, but I kept from saying it. I stared at him, finally facing the truth that I had come across, the veracity of his own identity. I know who he is, the urge I wanted to say it, my tongue wanting to have the words dance along with my lips.

With much sincerity, I had spoken the words, which I will regret. Of how much wrath I will take the blame, of how idiotic of my own words. "I'm sorry, Blackvenom." Astonishment had fulfilled him, as he stared at me. I had scared him away, because of my words that wasn't suppose to mean anything toward him. I wanted to speak the truth, and the truth slipped out of my mouth, of how much I wanted to leave and leave him in his despair and surprise. I wasn't going to leave, I showed enough stupidity for today.

In a swift movement, I was in comforting and warm feeling. He was hugging me. Why? Why would he? I bit my lip, questions racing, my brain trying to answer all of them. I hugged back, still, thoughts raced miles per hour, but my motivation in my body had wanted to return the gesture.

He buried his face in my shoulder, and started crying. He broke down, in my arms. His body trembling, as he let out his tears, the agony he was in, I had no intention nor words to comfort him. I was insignificant with this kind of situation, I just held him tightly. I squeezed him a little, as a little gesture to give a remark that it's going to be okay. I rested my chin on top of his head, as he sobbed into my shoulder feeling my shirt get soaked, I didn't mind. I didn't stop him, nor did he. He just let out all his agony, into my shoulder.


So...Uh. Sorry, for not updating. Yes, the words in some paragraphs got really...Clever or I guess, challenging. Idk. I kind of been lazy, and exhausted because of insomnia. Motherfluffing bipolar disorder too! And maybe I might update tomorrow? Or...Later. Idk, if I have time. Also, im addicted...To Supernatural, please someone send help. I just got to season 6 in 1 day, guys... I can- Oh my god. I'M LIKE ON EPISODE 17? 16? IDK ON SUPERNATURAL SEASON 6 NOW. Andyways...I missed writing...So maybe I might update a bit more? Because of how much I miss, writing and wanting to put a bit creativity into my writing. So, ya...I guess that's all, also, if you see me following you again, that means i'm fixing following list, cuz...It's mess up rn. I got a couple of followers, who isn't followed back, I kind of need to give them respect and follow them back. Andyways...That's all. I hope you had a great day, and...

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