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~A lucky follower had been dedicated! I hope you're having a great day, and cheers! 

Both of them walked out of the room as Gerard was left alone, left alone staring outside the window watching snowflakes fall to the ground. "No he hasn't..." Gerard overheard his mother talking outside the room, he sighs as he knows exactly what there talking about, the stupid pills. Gerard didn't want to listen so he paid more attention to the outside then his surroundings as his thoughts roam around his head, blocking out every sound from the outside world, "I'm not crazy..." the words left out his mouth as footsteps echoed around Gerard, Gerard turned around. He faced his doctor and mother both of them all looking at him, "No. We don't find you crazy, Gerard. Were just trying to help you" The doctor says hearing the words which was left out of Gerard's mouth, Gerard pursed his lips "With pills" He mumbles as he looks down. "Gerard, you need to take you're pills. Also, you're mother says you won't eat...Is there anything you need to talk about, Gerard?" Gerard shook his head.

Of course, I do. There is something to talk about it's called, wishes. 

Gerard's thought was broken as the doctor walked up to him and put her cold pale hand under Gerard's chin up to face her as she leans down, she took out her little flashlight out of her pocket as she flashed it in Gerard's eyes, Gerard got blinded by the orb of energy as he blinked rapidly. "Gerard...I think were going to need a blood test" She says as she leaned back away from Gerard's face, Gerard grit his teeth "I'm fine..." He says, she shook her head "Quit lying. Gerard, if were going to help you, tell us what's wrong" She says obviously arguing, Gerard got up from his seat "I don't need help! I just need a simple something which I know I can't have!" He yells, the doctor calmly stood his gaze her fierce blue eyes burning into Gerard's skull, "And what is that something?" She ask rather calmly. Gerard looked back at her her fierce blue eyes challenging him, he shook his head as he silently says, "You won't understand..." He says walking pass her as he walks out the room. Yells from his mother he ignored as the words been spoken from his mother mouth was like dust, he walked out the building tears threatening to come, he wants to talk to someone...He doesn't want someone who trying to help him by being a therapist they don't care. He just wants a friend, who understands him, who understands everything, every little thing about him, and that...They felt his pain. 


"Gerard. Eat." His mother orders as she put a plate in front of him, Gerard stared at it his mouth watering, he wants to eat it but the opinions will aim at him like he is the target while he eating. He shook his head, his mother sigh "Gerard..Do you want help? You have to eat" Gerard shook his head going against his mother's order, his mother grabbed the plate and threw it at the wall Gerard flinched. "Gerard! Why don't you fucking listen! God, you're such a fucking pain in the ass!" His mother yells, she yelled directly to no one she was staring at the shattered pieces on the ground. Gerard look down, "I'm sorry..." He whispers, his mother spun around to face him her eyes vacant her sanity dropping, "Gerard...Why don't you fucking eat? Why don't you fucking be a good boy like Mikey, and at least listen you fucking pain!" She yells as she smacked Gerard, hard across the face. Tears stung in Gerard's eyes, tears of pain and fear he quickly looked at her with wide eyes, his mother grit her teeth looking straight in his eyes "You better fucking eat, or-" "M-Mom...What's going on..." A quiet voice was heard by the doorway, all heads turn to the doorway to face a frightened looking Mikey. 

There mother glanced at Gerard, tears stream down Gerard's face his cheek stinging in pain, she widen her eyes her sanity all coming back she quickly cupped Gerard's face, "I'm so sorry, honey" She says rather softly, Gerard shook his head the tears flowing even faster. Gerard got up his face out of her cold pale hands, he shook his head once again as he back away from his mother, the fear of getting hurt by her once again. "Gerar-" "No..." He whispers as he turn around and ran pass Mikey and up the stairs, Mikey stare at Gerard shaking in fear body run up the stairs, Mikey attention went back to his mother his eyes wide with curiosity. "What did you do to, Gerard...?" Mikey whispers, his mother shook her head as tears brim in her eyes "I didn't mean too...I'm sorry.." She says, Mikey stared at her as he turned around and went up the stairs to see his brother, he actually doing it for his brother. He rather not lose his brother by an action which makes him useless, Mikey decided to make Gerard not feel worthless, not just so he can record videos and be happy. He just wants to be there for his brother...he wants the strong bond that hold the void between them, he want it back. 

Listen To Me... ~Frerard {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now