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~Hot diggity dog! A lucky follower had been dedicated, hope you're having a great day, and cheers^^ Also.. *whispers* Ducks *runs away* 

Frank sat impatiently in his bus seat, looking outside the window tapping his foot on the bus floor waiting for Pete to come on the bus so he can tell the news, "Come on, Pete..I will buy you fucking eyeliner if you get on the bus early" Frank whispers to no one in fact as everyone around him ignored Frank and sated with there friends, or girlfriends/boyfriends. Frank sighs angered and annoyed that why the hell can Pete can't get on the bus early? I mean, it stays outside for 2 minutes he has much time to get on. Frank sighs as he leans his head against the window closing his eyes, as he couldn't sleep last night just because...I mean he to excited for today..Or I guess later in the day. "Looks\ at the wild Frank, asleep in someone else territory" Someone whispers, Frank opened his eyes and lifted his head off the window and the voice came from behind he look behind his seat to see the dickhead who always tease on him, "Do you fucking mind?" Frank growled, the dickhead or known as Cole rolled his eyes. 

"Whatever, shortie...Anyway how it going with the homework? Is it finish?" Cole ask, taking out his hand for the homework Frank rolled his eyes "How about you actually stop being an lazy ass, and actually make you're mom proud and do you're own  homework" Frank says, just in time before Cole start begging and whining Pete got on the bus and ran over to Frank and sat down next to him, "Holy shit, I almost got chased by a dog" He says as he shook his head panting. Frank chuckled as Cole snorted silently behind them as he got up and walk over to another seat, of course Cole hates Pete, in fact hate his existence and always ignore him, but with hate stupid brain he doesn't even think why he hates him in the first place. "I wonder who's dog is that..." Frank says as he leans back in his seat forgetting what his awesome news was, Pete shrugged "Who knows...Maybe KobraDesire" He says winking and leaning back, but that brings back Frank back to his excited state. 

"Anyway, did Venom message you back..? Oh wait lemme guess, no?" Pete ask, Frank smirked and look down and kick the seat in front of them the person not caring tho', "Hmm I wonder..." Frank says as he took out his phone and look through his camera roll so he can find the screenshot, "What is that suppose to mean..?" Pete ask with wide eyes, as Frank just laugh and tossed his phone on Pete's lap, Pete look down and grabbed it and turned it around to face the screen. Pete eyes became wide as a size of tennis balls, "No fucking way...Did you..No" He whisper, Frank smirked as he lean his head on the window again and closed his eyes as Pete gave back his phone and put his face in his hands taking deep breaths, "Holy motherfucking shit...You're so lucky" Pete huffed, Frank laughed once again "Oh ya...Ain't I a lucky killjoy?" He says with a smirk, Pete just shook his head and turned to Frank and put his hands on his shoulders and starts shaking him. 

"Whoaaa, chill the tits" Frank says laughing a little, Pete just kept shaking him "When are you recording with him!? Holy shit, since you showed me his Skype i'm calling him" Pete exclaims, as he took his hands off of Frank's shoulders and took out his phone. 

"Fuck off, Pete" Frank says with a roll of his eyes and took his phone away. 

"Well!? Answer the damn question, Iero!"


"Today....You lucky son of a b-' "Get off the bus, you stupid idiots!" The bus driver interrupted his sentence, Frank giggled a little as Pete glared at the bus driver and looked at Frank,"Come on, lucky bastard...Were fucking talking in class and lunch" He says, as Frank rolled his eyes and got up from his seat and followed Pete off the bus. 


Frank sat at his usual table with Pete, as Pete sighs and looks through his phone Frank doing the same as he download Skype on his phone and quickly logged in as he ate his mash potatoes, "Damn it, Kobra didn't respond" Pete says as he glanced at Frank who writing a message to Venom on Skype, "You fucking serious, right now?" Pete ask, Frank shrugged "You're boring to talk to, also I rather add him first then forgetting it when I come home today" Pete dramatically gasped as he put his hand over his chest, "Well excuse you, I ain't boring. I bet Venom is more boring to talk to" Pete says as he took a bite from his sandwich, of course he kidding he just wants to piss off Frank. "Better shut that mouth, eyeliner kid or you're getting the best of it" Frank says with a death glare, Pete chuckled "Try me" He says as Frank rolled his eyes and punched Pete in shoulder hard. "Ow!" Pete yelped as the other people around them turn their heads and face Pete with a weird look, "Problem?" Pete ask as he rubbed his aching spot on his shoulder and looked at the others, the others looked away as Frank giggled. 

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