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-Hi. Thanks for 810 reads, I really appreciate it. I love you all, and I hope you guys had a great day. And maybe...Enjoy this chapter. ♡

Art class...Was....Odd. I wouldn't say it was a disaster, well it was, but not something I would be angry with. I would say, I was confused. I was confused why Gerard would breakdown silently, in class. I touched his arm, lightly. He didn't recoil by my touch, nor took his shaking hands off his face. Our teacher had saw, and frowned. "Frank. Please, escort Gerard out and comfort him." He says, looking at me. I nodded, standing up while holding Gerard's arm.

Several students in class stared at Gerard, snickering by his weak state. Several not caring, as they just draw or doodle. They didn't have a heart. If I did, I would of felt bad for him anyways. I escorted Gerard out, he was still sobbing into his hands. "Hey...Gerard...Calm down. We're going to talk about it, and I won't judge you," I say, trying my hardest to comfort him. When it comes to comforting people, I try my hardest. Sometimes, all that effort doesn't get a return.

I helped him inside bathroom, he whimpered as I shut the door close behind us, locking it. I didn't want anyone to see him weak, the whole class already did, he doesn't need another audience to embarass himself. "Gerard...Come on, it's okay. Wanna' tell me what's up?" I ask, he leaned against the sink, as I stood infront of him, waiting patiently for his response.

He was silent. I couldn't help but stare at him, confusion taking over. "Gerard..If you don't tell me, I can't help you." I say, my voice fragile as him. He looked up from his hands, his eyes had shown sorrow and fury. "Why should I tell you?! I never needed your help!" He yelled, I flinched. He was angry, he was yelling.

One my worst fear, people yelling. It's very queer to be scared of, but I do it sometimes. Making me a hypocrite. But, it's my fear ever since my father had screamed at my mother and left. Leaving me and mother. It was not bad, but how I remember the words that had been shouted out from his mouth, had marked in my memory. Because of the yelling, and hatred that laced along with it, it makes me feels weak. When getting yelled at, you feel guilt, sorrow, and anger.

Gerard's eyes were tense, tears streaming down his cheeks. His face red from crying, his eyes bloodshot because of his tears. I said nothing. He shook his head, and fell onto his knees, crying. Crying into his knees, sobbing for help that he doesn't even realize, and just in utter defeat. Causing me to feel such pity toward him, I slowly fell onto my knees infront of him. Not knowing what to say, I just hugged him close. He buried his face in my chest, hugging me back tightly.

I couldn't help, but feel tears stream down my face. How broken I am, and I still am. Because of the broken pieces, I can't seem to help Gerard. I rested my chin on top of his head, crying with him, letting out all my weaknesses out by tears. I'm weak, Gerard is weak. How I wish, that I was a person to be brave for once. Take a step forward, and help someone who's far behind, to get to other side. The other side of where you can understand life, much better.


The bell rang, signalling that school was over. I was still holding, Gerard. He had fallen asleep, I pulled away a bit, looking at him. His face was in comfort, where he had no place to worry. He was in his own world. I have my own, too. Everyone does, but I had realized that...In my own fantasy world, i'm still broken but with a demon inside.

I got up, picking Gerard up bridal style. Silly, I know. But, I didn't care. I was helping him. How I can only help someone physically, not mentally. Quite pathetic. I carried him out, unlocking the door before and walked out. The halls were empty, which I was glad. Not like I didn't want to anyone to see us, I just feel insecure by people staring and laughing at us. I walked out the school carrying, Gerard. My thoughts getting over to me, as I walked along on the sidewalk to his house.

It's weird about how people can cause insecurities. How does the people that are famous people fight the urge of losing because of how they're looked. Yes, they have fans. But, let's stick to actual question, not involving the fans but yourself. How do you fight it off? Being insecure is humanity's weakness. It is also, humanity's strength. I'm insecure myself, but why do we even have it? Does looks matter? Being insecure, myself, I always thought I was a joke because of thinking that since i'm insecure.

I walked up to porch of my house. I just realized, I didn't know where Gerard lived (If I said that he knew in... Idk some chapter before, well..Dil with it, he doesn't know, now.). I couldn't help but laugh to myself because of my stupidity, as I just thought that I will carry him home. I unlock my door with one hand, which is quite challenging. Gerard face was nuzzling against my chest, his breathing calm, lively. I couldn't help but, smile.

Him in my arms, I feel like I can finally be something. Weird how I worded it, but I can finally feel like I had helped someone mentally. Like I picked up the broken pieces, and put it back together with no trouble. Of course, that's not possible, because trying to help someone isn't easy. Especially if you're broken too.

I carried him inside, up to my room. My mother wasn't home, like she would mind about Gerard presence. She's fine when Pete is around, so she fine with anyone as long we actually got along. I walked inside my room, as I laid Gerard down. I shut the door, and sat at my desk chair, thinking. I looked at Gerard, whom sleeping peacefully. I looked at his lips a bit. I looked away, feeling confused by the sudden-converting eyes movement.

I laid back in my chair, as I stared up at the ceiling. Did I seriously did that?


I was playing Battlefield 3 on my ps3, the volume on mute since Gerard was still asleep, and cursing silently whenever I died in the game. I was very concentrated to the game, and I didn't seem to notice Gerard wide awake, and watching me play. My eyes flicker at him, thinking he was asleep until I noticed he gathered his consciousness. I felt my grip on my controller tighten, feeling my stomach erupt into butterflies as I paused the game.

He looked at me, "Hey..." he says with a groggy voice. "Uh, hey...Didn't notice you were awake. Also, you're at my house...If you're wondering," I say a bit awkwardly, holding back my stuttering matter. He nodded, "Ya I noticed." He says a bit quietly, and looked away a bit. I turned off my system, and I couldn't help it. The feeling inside me, I really want something, desperate. I'm desperate for Gerard.

Not in sexual steamy matter, but something from him. A kiss. He cleared his throat, I faced back with reality noticing I was staring at Gerard. "S-Sorry" I stuttered out quietly, as I looked away. In corner of my eye, I saw him smile. "It's cool. You play guitar?" He asked, looking at Pansy. I looked at her, "Oh ya." I replied. "Can you play a song?" He asked, laying back in my bed, his back against the headboard. I nodded, as I grabbed her.

I propped her on my leg, as I grabbed my pick. "What song?" I asked, looking at him then back down at Pansy. I couldn't look at him fully, because of this feeling. He shrugged, "Surprise me." He replies with, tilting his head back as he shuts his eyes close. I nodded, as I started playing.

I saw Gerard smile more, and I couldn't help it. I started singing softly, as I felt alive. The feeling of being safe, feeling of me and Gerard. Just us, only. And how much, I want him to see, what i'm feeling right now. I want him...To listen to me.

"Come with me, my love...

To the sea, the sea...Of love.

I want to tell you, how much I love you...

Do you remember when we met?

That day, I knew you were my pet.

I want to tell you...How much I love you."

I sang softly, as I looked at Gerard. He was staring at me, his eyes bright that I had never seen it before. His gorgeous eyes, they were bright, and that I knew he listened to my words that I softly sang. I got up, laying Pansy beside my desk, I walked over to him, grabbing him by the face. "Come with me...To the sea of love...Please..." I whispered, as I connected my lips with his.

Listen To Me... ~Frerard {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now