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~Well...Sorry, for leaving you out in the conversation, I never mean too. Pls forgive me, and I hope you're having a great day, and cheers!

It's been a week since I talked to my friend. To be honest, Gerard doesn't even know Frank is his friend or not. They only recorded one video together, and it didn't really change anything, Gerard is always the one quiet. While Frank make up random jokes, making Gerard snicker but mostly just play the game and feeling like leaving the game, because he wanted to be alone. Gerard sighs as he face the ceiling on his bed, staring at it deep in thought.

Why are you so anti-social? 

Gerard sighs at the thought, he has no answer for it as he put his face in his hands groaning in the process. There school tomorrow the weekend is finish meaning he has to go back to the hellhole, he sighs as he keeps thinking the past nights it's always the same task every night. Thinking. Gerard haven't left his room for the past 2 days, right when he came back from school from Friday he already in his room, locked up in there, not wanting anyone to come in nor feed him. Gerard's stomach growled a little, he sighs as he turn to his side clutching in his stomach hurting, he stared at the ground as he clutched his stomach tighter his stomach begging for food, his stomach craving something nice and fresh to eat. "I'm not hungry..." Gerard whispers, as he closed his eyes tears threatening to come because he always alone, why is he always alone? Why can't he just man up and actually make some friends? He can't...He an easy target not an easy person to talk to nor be friends with. "I'm not hungry...I don't need food...I will be an enemy...Please...I'm not hungry" Gerard whispers, as he clutched his stomach much more tighter wanting the craving feeling in his stomach to go away. 

Gerard closed his eyes tighter tears streaming down his face, it wasn't sadness it was pain. His stomach was in pain, he squirmed in his position as he closed his eyes wanting to fall into a pit of darkness as he can ignore the pain and wait for it to come back in the morning. "Please..." Gerard whispers, as his insomnia was still there molding into his mind making him think so much, making him stay awake. 

There can only be one thing to make you fall into deep slumber, Gerard...

The voice told Gerard, Gerard opened his eyes, his eyes landing on the drawers looking at the bottom drawer. "Y-Yes..Thank you" He says rather quietly as he sat up, one arm around his stomach as he reach out on the bottom drawer opening it. He took the sharp object the object felt so right in his hand, it was like a knife but much smaller and bit more weaker, but it felt so right...It's like being a murderer, but Gerard isn't a murderer, he wasn't. He was in fact a boy, who wants a friend, and who wants someone to be on his side, he is a murderer, but an murderer to himself. He look down at the sharp object wanting to slice his skin, and he did. He let go of his stomach showing his scarred already rotten skin, looking pale as a vampire, Gerard sliced his skin blood coming out the little cuts, he wasn't cutting deep but he wants too, to face the darkness

Gerard put the sharp point on his scarred skin, digging the tip in his skin as he sliced open his skin as blood stream down his arm like a stream of water, it was beautiful to Gerard, it was such a beautiful sight looking at his own blood looking like a river down his arm. It was so much better then stream of water, the color so much beautiful, one taste it doesn't taste tasteless it tastes like metal. Gerard fell back the razor still in his hand, he clutched it tight in his hand his eyes fluttering close hearing his phone ringed with a notification, he didn't bother thinking about nor check it he just wanted to be sung to sleep...By silence. Of course. That wish was granted. 


He played with his sleeve not paying any attention to his teacher, as he look up a little looking outside to see it was snowing, oh how lovely. He sighs sad that he has to walk home while it's snowing not the best weather to be walking in, he played with his sleeve as he moved his neck a little nuzzling into his scarf. "Mr.Way, would you like to explain how to make a ratio to into a percent?" she ask, Gerard look up meeting the teacher's gaze everyone in the classroom all looking at him, he shuffle his feet underneath the desk. "To make the ratio to percent you will have to multiply the denominator by a number which equals to 100. As you do you will have to multiply the numerator by the same number you multiplied with on the denominator" He says biting his lip which was a habit, he knows he right because he remembers that shit in middle school. The teacher smiled and nodded, "That is indeed correct." She says nodding as she walk up to the whiteboard he sighs as he look down, back at the sleeve playing with it wanting to see his artwork he pasted on his skin which was just opened last night, like a ruined artwork like the glue of the artwork is sticking out of the edges. As you press on it as the glue drip from the the artwork just like paint which wasn't even dried yet the artist not having the patience to wait for it. Its was not paint nor glue, it was a thick liquid called blood, which was a beauty of art to Gerard. 

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