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~A lucky follower had been dedicated! U hope you're having a great day, and cheers, lad! And fucking Dead_Potato...Best fucking user ever. It always reminds me of Dan's sunstroke *sheds a tear*

Disclaimer: It's still fucking first p.o.v..First p.o.v for days

"Gerard wake up" I heard a sudden voice. Which sounds very unfamiliar but knowing in fact if I see the person, i know in fact it someone familiar. I turned on my bed as I was face to face with Mikey.

"Finally..." Mikey says with a roll of eyes, I snorted. "Eww" Mikey says, I let out a small laugh. "Come on, we have to go to school" He says, I nodded. "Few more minutes" I say, as I turned on my bed as I faced the ceiling. It's Friday. Short day. And a two day weekend after this day. I yawned as I rubbed my eyes, of course, I stayed up more with Frank. Talking and recording videos together but, mostly talking.

I felt a pillow hit my face, I groaned. "Are you daydreaming or snoozing?" Mikey ask, laughing a little. "I have no idea Mikey" I say, as I took the pillow out of my face as I threw it back at Mikey. He caught it. Damn.

He laughed, "Your face" He says laughing. I raised an eyebrow, "What?" I ask, he shook his head "Just get ready for school" He says, as he left my room. "Okay!" I say, as I got up from my bed as I stretch out my limbs. Popping filled the room. Soft, and loud. I yawned maybe the second time, as I walk to my closet and opened it. I grabbed my clothes which was appropriate for school.

I grabbed my backpack as I walk out of my room, closing the door behind as do so. I walk downstairs as I heard Mikey, "Mom, You don't need to drop us off" I heard, as I walk down the steps. "Okay...Are you guys sure?" I heard my mother's voice, "Yes, mom" Mikey says. "Okay then, take care" She says as the door was heard to be opened then closed.

I hop down from the last step as I look around, "Heads up" I heard Mikey say. I turned as I caught an apple, "Thanks" I say, knowing in fact I will eat it...Maybe never. "Mmhm" Mikey hummed as he ate his toast. "Ready to go?" He ask, I nodded as we both walk out the house.

We walked down the sidewalk together, both of us having small talks. And then silence. Not an awkward one nor uncomfortable one. Just silence where we both enjoy each other's presence.

"Race to the bus stop?" Mikey ask as he turned to me, I looked at him as I smirked. "You bet on it" I say as we both stopped walking, we both got into running positions. "Ready..." He says, as I finished him off "Set....Go!" I say as I started running. Both of us were on a same pace, I decided to pick up my speed as I ran a bit faster. Mikey caught up with me but won, I stopped by the bus stop as Mikey cheered for himself.

"I won!!!" He says as he panted and jumped around. I laughed, "Such a child" I say as I try to catch my breath. He laughed. We both stood beside the bus stop, talking and messing with each other around. I loved him...So much. I'm glad to have him as my brother, my actual brother again. It hurts always seeing him, always walking away from me. But, our brother time was much more interrupted by the assholes who usually beat my ass up.

In the past few days where Mikey started walking with me, they started picking on Mikey. Of course, Mikey backfires earning him a punch in stomach. I stayed silent as they push me around, as I almost got push in street where I almost got hit by a passing car. The jocks and there sluts all walked up to us, and started picking on us. As always, I looked down saying nothing.

"Faggots" One of them say. "You guys should fuck yourselves" Another say. "Are you guys together, ew you guys are fucked up" Another say which was a female. "Hey Mikey, why are hanging with this faggot?" A jock ask. "He such a piece of shit" Another say.

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