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~HAPPY NEW YEARS! *No one says nothing, as pops streamers in air* :D...I'm a big fat dick. Oh ya, remind you, I came back from watching Shane's videos, that's why i'm already cussing. I'm sorry for the lack of updates, I really am. Laziness....MOTEHRINGIRIGRNIWR. I'm so sorry ;-;. I'm a terrible author, who is so selfish...That's what I think. Andyways, enjoy this chapter, might be a bit...Shit. But, ya know. I'm back from my deep slumber. Also, this is short.  I might update tomorrow. Sorry :(. 


Who was he?

That thought remained in my head, the whole night. I didn't get any sleep, because of it. Thanks, insomnia. 

I can feel my head throbbing, because of thinking so much. Because of the lack of sleep. It's like my own heart was in my head, beating rapidly for a reason in a thought. 

The shadow that had occurred the other night, which should be remained in a slumber. 

It had a voice, which sounded so hesitant.  It was a male, of course. 

I wasn't okay. He heard the cries. in the dark cold night. Why would he think I was okay? He heard them so fondly in his ears. 

My cries were just a bunch of love and affection for the others to know my sorrow, i'm not seeking for attention, i'm seeking for something to light up my dark. I'm only looking for someone's shoulder to cry on.

They're not many of those people, with those sharp broad shoulders and let be soaked by tears.

"Are you okay?" Those words echo in my own ears.

Those words were so soft like a whisper, being drawn by another shadow. Being taken away, by my own demons. 

I barely get asked by that kind of question. Not that, I don't look so depressed enough to be asked. Is that the personality of my own self, shows a much more deep meaning, of happiness. 

Not the kind of happiness, that people had already achieved in their own lives. The happiness of being the one left out in the darkness, the darkness where demons haunt you from behind. The haunting of their own presence, makes you the ghost of another jubilant person.

I let that lesson sink in. 

I'm not going back outside, it was already lit up. Without my own presence. 

I don't wanna hear that question, again. I don't,

Wanna hear that same voice, to ask me that same question.


Blood streak down from by own nose, as I lay on the soaked floor of my own dripping blood of the boy's restroom. 

Tears running down my face. 

I hated the cold, I hate seeing my own blood that was caused by someone else. 

Why was it me? Why did I deserved this? Will I ever get that own meaning of life, where I can actually build myself up? 

I couldn't help but let out an angered sob, as I bury my aching face in my arm. Crying, praying, and wishing to die. 

"Fucking life is bullshit! Why was I born!? I'm such a fucking waste of damn fucking time!" I yelled as I sat up, my body aching as my runny bloody nose make a strike of pain occur. 

"I'm a piece of shit! Fucking die, you piece of shit!" I yelled as I looked down at myself, scolding and yelling at myself. Telling myself to die. 

"This is...Fucking bullshit..." I whispered, my voice giving out. I pulled my knees up to my chest, as I buried my face in my knees, quietly sobbing.

In pain, sorrow, and in defeat.

I felt warmth surround myself, I shivered by the sudden consternation.

I looked up, seeing someone hugging me. 

But, that someone had a familiar face. It was Frank, from art class.

I hugged me tightly, like he didn't wanna let go. He hugged me that tight, which I didn't get his own meaning of that caring action.

"I'm sorry , that they did that to you..." His voice sounding so small. Sounding so quiet.

It sounded the same voice from the other nights ago.

I shook my head. "It's not your fault..." I say, wanting to push him away. But, his arms is something I wanna be held by. 

It's like he knew my pain. It's like he mourning over my own blood that was spilled on the floor, by a total jackass. 

"I know...But, you're hurt because I didn't help you..." His voice is so sweet. So comforting.

He pulled away, looking at me in the eyes. His bottom lip trembled.

Is he going to cry? Just by the looks of me?

"I'm sorry, BlackVenom..." he whispered.

Listen To Me... ~Frerard {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now