Orc Pack up Ahead

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Bilbo started hiking in the woods, knowing that this would be a very long journey; more importantly, a long journey which he didn't prepare for. He packed no food, no extra clothes, no weapons (except Sting) and no idea how to get there. He continued walking even as night fell and all he could think about was Thorin.
"Thorin, Oh Thorin," Bilbo said sighing as he thought of his only love. He almost had forgotten about the letter but then he started to remember it which made him cry. He sat down on a fallen tree and cried. The young hobbit never thought that he could be so emotional but when it came to Thorin that's all he was. He was emotional all the time. He continued to think about Thorin when in the distance Bilbo could hear leaves rustling.
"Who's there?" Bilbo said jumping up with Sting in hand.
The sword was glowing blue.
Bilbo slowly backed up into a tree and looked every which way for any sign of movement. One place where he didn't look was above him.
Out of no where an Orc jumped down from the tree top and started to attack him. The young hobbit fought back and slashed every which way.
He heard wargs in the distance and the sound of many more orcs.
"If only Thorin were here," Bilbo said as the stabbed the Orc.
He then turned around and ran. He ran the fastest he has ever ran. He didn't know where he was running but all he knew is that he had to run far away from the Orc pack. By this time it was midnight and Bilbo hadn't even found a place to stay for the night. He would have to camp in the woods for the night. He kept on walking to try to find the perfect spot to rest for the night. He kept on walking forward, pushing branches out of the way and flicking bugs off of his clothing when all of a sudden he pushed two bushes out of his way and there it was. Erebor.
It was there right in front of him. He was scared to take another step forward because he didn't know what would be waiting for him on the other side. There could be war, violence, or happiness and joy. He had no clue what would be there for him if he actually went.
"Am I actually going to turn back around? I came all this way for what? To turn around?" Bilbo said to himself.
"I thought that you wanted to plant your acorn in your garden in Bag End, stay with your books, and never leave for another adventure. What happened to that hobbit?" A familiar voice said.
Bilbo started to cry because that voice reminded him of Thorin.
"I can still hear his voice," Bilbo said his voice breaking and tears in his eyes.
"Because it is me Bilbo," the voice said again.
Bilbo turned around towards the voice pointing Sting right at it. Bilbo stared at the mans chest and slowly moved his glance up towards the mans head.
Bilbo was so shocked he didn't know what to do.

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