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As Bilbo celebrated with the dwarves, feeling awkward and unsociable, he slowly tried to make his way out of the main dining hall where the dwarves occupied. With every person he spoke to, he would move one step closer to the exit until he was finally freed from the drunken laughter and singing of the dwarves and even elves who were very rowdy when near the dwarves. Bilbo scurried down the hall towards his chambers (he had remembered where everything was located his last time in Erebor). On his way he heard a band of voices all talking over each other.
"...he can't stay..."
"...must get rid..."
"...but I love him...."
"...please stop..."
These were the only phrases he could decipher until there was a pounding on a table and a deep husky voice, who Bilbo assumed belonged to Thorin, began to speak.
"The hobbit, Bilbo, must leave Erebor now. It isn't safe for him with the Orcs on the rise. I also need him gone because he will find out the truth."
Bilbo pondered on what the truth may have been and started to feel tears flowing down his cheeks.
"The truth?" Bilbo thought to himself, "What truth?"
With this, Bilbo rushed down the hall and into his chambers where he slammed the doors shut and sobbed into his pillow.

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