Should I Go Back?

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"Bilbo," Thorin said smiling at the hobbit almost with tears in his eyes.
"Thorin I-," Bilbo said with a blank expression.
"Come here Bilbo," Thorin said with his arms open ready to embrace Bilbo.
"No. No no no," Bilbo said taking a step back away from Thorin. "Thorin I thought that you were dead until I found out that you weren't dead from Lord Elrond. I wept at your grave and-and I-," Bilbo said with tears building in his eyes. "Thorin I loved you. I always did."
"I love you too," Thorin said cupping Bilbo's face with his hands and smiling.
"Yeah I thought that you loved me too before I found out the letter that you wrote confessing your love for Bard," Bilbo said pushing away Thorin's hand away.
"The only reason I came to Erebor was to see for myself if you were alive and to see if you really are in love with Bard."
"Bilbo I'm-"
"No Thorin. I'm leaving right now and I don't care what you say about it," Bilbo said slowly starting to walk away.
At this moment Thorin took hold of the hobbits arm and turned Bilbo to face him.
"I don't want you to leave," Thorin said smiling at Bilbo with even more tears in his eyes.
Thorin then pulled Bilbo into a kiss.
It was the most passionate kiss anyone could of ever had. Thorin's hands cupped the young hobbits face and the hobbit grabbed on to his hands with a loving touch. In that moment, Bilbo forgot about the fact that Thorin had died and had loved another besides him. Everything was perfect. The wonderful kiss ended and Thorin looked at Bilbo longingly with his bright blue eyes.
"Yes, I wrote that letter. It wasn't for me though," Thorin said.
"What are you talking about?" Bilbo said.
"I'm talking about the letter. I did write it and I did sign it as me but it wasn't for me. It was for- well- it was for a friend I guess," said Thorin.
"Who?" Bilbo said confused.
"Well," Thorin continued saying while laughing, "it was for King Thranduil actually. We became close after the battle and he grew quite fond of Bard."
"You did that for him?" Bilbo said.
"Yes. I was always in love with you Bilbo," Thorin said. "I will always be in love with you."
Bilbo was now smiling so big at Thorin.
"So you do love me?" Bilbo asked innocently.
"Yes. I am in love with you. Bilbo?" Thorin said.
"Yes Thorin."
"I have no right to ask this of you but will you come back to the mountain with me?"
"Yes. I would love to."
They pulled each other into one more long kiss.

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