Chapter Ten

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Kirito POV

I slowly open my eyes, rubbing them and yawning, I notice a piece of chestnut hair draped over my shoulder. I look over at the girl sleeping next to me that it belongs to and smile as I carefully move her bangs away from her eyes.

I kiss her cheek softly before sitting up and climbing around her careful not to wake her. Once I make it out of bed I look at her once more before walking downstairs to see Suguha making something on the oven.

Suguha POV

I scoop the last of the eggs out of the pan and turn around balancing 3 plates. Kazuto is standing in the walkway leaning on the wall. "Good morning Kazuto, um where's Asuna?" I ask looking for our guest.

He smiles and takes two plates making it easier for me to carry mine. "She's still upstairs. I think I'll just take it up to her, you wanna come with?" He asks walking towards the stairs.  I smile and nod following him. "So... Anything from her parents yet?" I ask breaking the silence.

He sharply breathes in and she can tell he's talking through clenched teeth. "They said they can't make it on account of meetings and work. What kind of parents leave their daughter alone like this? But I can't let her be alone so I'm gonna go with her."

I can't believe her parents aren't coming home. Poor Asuna probably has to deal with this a lot. "How long will you be with her?" I ask as we both walk up the steps.

He responds hesitantly. "Well it would really depend on how long she needs me there" he states simply. We walk down the hallway together and I open the door slightly with my free hand.

"Asuna? Are you awake?" I ask peeking through the door. We both hear a small squeaking sound before a rushed response. "Um yea just give me a second!" She says quickly and I close the door.

"Is she okay?" My brother asks me with a raised eyebrow. "Well it would seem that she was changing. That's why you knock before coming in when you have guests" I say raising a finger at him.

He gives me a look as if to say 'Why are you saying it like that. I've never walked in on her' I laugh quietly.

We hear the door open and Asuna is on the other side blushing slightly as she bows her head "sorry for the wait" she says as Kazuto steps in and me after. He hands her the plate and she thanks him before sitting on the floor against the bed frame.

We eat silently at first. No conversation which is slightly odd for Kazuto considering he enjoys small talk while eating. But Asuna breaks the silence with a slightly shocking question.

"Has anyone seen Tazami since yesterday?" She asks simply but with a small edge to her voice. I open my mouth to respond but I'm interrupted by a choking sound and coughing coming from Kazuto.

Kirito POV

"Has anyone seen Tazami since yesterday?" I breath in sharply at his name but accidentally breath in the piece of egg on my fork choking and coughing. 

Asuna quickly hands me her water like she was ready for it and I gulp it down and take a deep breath relieved.

Sugu looks rather shocked at my reaction. She pauses before answering.
"No nothing yet."

"It's almost like he knew exactly what to do and where to go. Like he planned the whole thing from the lunch to after he pinned yo-" I stop her realizing She probably shouldn't have mentioned it. But Asuna doesn't show any sign of... Well anything as she nods.

Sugu stands up quickly dusting imaginary dust off her and grabbing the now empty plates. "Well I better get ready for kendo practice. Will you guys be here when I get back?"

I shake my head "I should probably start packing before we leave for Asuna's." Sugu nods and backs up "well okay then. Hope to see you soon then Asuna!" She says before ducking into the hall and running off. That's Suguha.

Asuna stares blankly at nothing and I look at her curiously with a raised eyebrow. I put a hand on her head and she blinks out of her trance and looks at me.

"Asuna are you okay?" She looks at me and shrugs smiling. "Sorry Kirito. I guess I spaced out" I smile back and then smirk childishly. "Hm why do you still call me Kirito?" I ask slowly moving over to her. She blinks and then her eyes widen as she blushes.

"I-I'm sorry! It's just that the name never wore off! If it bugs you I'll-" I jump tackling her and rolling across the floor with her in my arms before I kiss her soft lips carefully. "Nah I actually kinda like it" I say giving her my signature half smile. She looks at me and smiles back her honey coloured eyes sparkling.

I release her and get up, she sits up and watches me as I grab a duffel bag and start putting in clothes, I hear her laugh behind me. "What's so funny?" I ask her half embarrassed.

She stands up and looks in my bag then in my drawers. "You really don't own much colour do you?" She says still laughing. I can feel my cheeks burning up as I stuff the rest of my clothes in my bag and zip it up.

"Kirito... I... Umm." I look at her and she's looking down with her chestnut hair draped over her eyes. "I never really thanked you, for yesterday I mean."

Asuna POV

There is a silence in the room for a minute or two. I look up through my hair and he's starring at my blankly.

Then he walks over and opens his mouth as if to say something but stops before he pulls me in to a warm embrace and puts his head in my shoulder, his face hidden in my hair.

"K...Kirito..." I bring my hand up and put it on his head and pet his dark hair soothingly.

"Don't apologize." He says slowly. I turn my head and look at him with a confused look. "If only I had worked up the courage to face your mother...You probably wouldn't need to thank me at all." He says through little whimpers here and there.

Kirito POV

I can't stop myself as I feel my eyes tearing up. Asuna brings her hand up to my cheek pulling my head to her and leans her forehead into mine. "It's not your fault Kirito, I understand and I never once expected you to come to my door in a rage." She laughs quietly. "That would be quite a sight thought wouldn't it" she says

She lifts my head up and wipes my tears away before planting a soft kiss on my lips. Then she turns me around.

"Now finish packing! We have to go!" She says walking towards the door and closing it behind her as she walks downstairs leaving me alone with my thoughts.

She never expected me to?

~Time Skip~

I walk downstairs and Sugu and Asuna are chatting away about nonsense. Asuna sees me and smiles while putting her shoes on and continuing her conversation. Sugu walks up to me and gives me a hug "take care of her Kazuto" she says quietly. And with that we both walk out the door waving to sugu.

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