Chapter Nineteen

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After Sugou and Tazami left, Asuna was able to use the wood behind her back to cut the rest of the rope. She was able to pull her hands free once the rope was weak enough and rubbed her wrists.

She looked around the room. There was no way out through a window... The only way out would be through that door. She walked over quietly and tried to open it and naturally it didnt budge. She mentally scolded herself for thinking such a thing.

She thought through her options. Of course there wouldn't be a key laying around. She leaned against the door and lowered her head. Suddenly an idea popped in her head. She pulled out the hair pin from her braid and her hair fell loose.

She blew a strand out of her eyes before bending the pin and inserting it into the lock. She wiggled the pin for about 10 minutes and was about to give up when she heard a quiet click. She held her breath as she dared try to open the door again. This time it opened.

She smiled and poked her head out into the hallway. It was pitch black. Stone floors and grey walls. Where was she? She looked ahead and almost squealed. There was a mirror on the wall Infront of her and she could see her reflection.

She had to admit she'd looked better. She touched her right cheek and winced. She skin was bruised and she had a small cut on her bottom lip. She turned her attention to the stairs. There was a door on the other side.


Kirito hopped on his motorcycle and took off towards the location. He'd already waited too long for everyone to leave. Not to mention Sugu was now fast asleep in Asuna's guest room and he couldn't let her wake up with nobody there.

He followed the coordinates for what seemed like forever until he reached a small cabin. It looked innocent enough, but he saw through its seemingly innocent appearance.

He slowly made his way up to the door. He was about to knock but something stopped him. He heard voices.

He saw there was a small crack in the cabin wall and he leaned in to see. Hus eyes widened when he saw Sugou and Tazami.

"Sugou I don't like this anymore. We could get into so much more trouble." Tazami said as he ran his hand through his hair.

"don't get cold feet now you idiot. We've come too far... besides...I will get that little know it all back, For what he did to me." a voice Kirito knew and hated. Sugou stood up and made his way towards a door. He opened it and it lead down to a staircase. He walked down and out of Kirito's view.

Asuna could hear someone coming down the stairs. She panicked. They had no idea she was out. She quickly looked around for anywhere...anywhere to hide. But there was only one room and it was the room she had just escaped from and she wasn't going back in there. She looked at the mirror, her reflection staring back at her with a panicked expression.

Suddenly an idea came into her mind. She grabbed the mirror and smashed it. "What the hell...?" She heard Sugou's voice and a small strangling noise escaped from her throat. She went and grabbed a shard of the glass, cutting her hands on the smaller pieces. She stood up and was face to face with Sugou.

"you damn brat... " He scoffed as he reached out for her. She put the shard of glass in front of her to protect herself, he reached out to grab her arm and she slashed the glass across his arm. Making him yell out." Why you!" He began to lunge but he tripped over himself and into the pile of glass.

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