Chapter Twenty

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Kirito watched everything fly by as he and Asuna were escorted back to his house. Asuna was still sound asleep while curled up next to him. He turned away from the window to look at her, her hair falling down her back like a gold waterfall as it framed her face. He smiled softly and looked back to the window.

It was awhile before they made it back to his house. As they pulled into his driveway, he looked over at Asuna and poked her cheek softly. She stirred and opened her eyes slowly, looking around and then looking at him. "We're here. I'll escort you two inside, are there other people who are home tonight?" the police officer said. "yes. My sister and my aunt are here" Kirito answered. The officer nodded and got out of the car, quickly circling the vehicle and opening Kirito's door.

Kirito stepped out of the car and Asuna came out behind him. They all walked to the door. It was late. He didn't know if they were awake so he pulled out his key and unlocked the door, letting Asuna go first, he turned and nodded his thanks to the officer, who nodded back and turned to walk back to his car. Kirito stepped inside and closed the door. Taking his shoes off and placing them next to Asuna's.

Asuna wrapped Kirito's coat around her tighter, she looked around at the Kirigya house and smiled. Kirito wrapped his arm around her, guiding her upstairs and into the bathroom. "are you sure you'll be alright?" he said with worry evident in his voice. "mhm, I'll just be careful." she said, Kirito nodded and he closed the door.

He made his way downstairs and started boiling some tea. "Kazuto!" a familiar voice said as he was tackled from behind. "Sugu" he answered, turning his head to see a head of black hair matching his own nuzzled into his back. "is everything okay? Are you both okay?" she asked. Kirito smiled and unwrapped himself from his sister, turning to her and patting her head. "we're fine Sugu. Thank you for your help" he said softly. Suddenly he grunted and bit his tongue as he held his side. The injury was healing. But it was still sore. He had overdone it today, not that he minded. He had managed to accomplish saving her.

Asuna sighed as she slid her clothes off carefully and stepped in the shower. She squeaked as the water stung her arm, washing away the dried blood from when she had cut it knocking the mirror over. She had quite a few stitches, and some of the cuts that didn't need them were still bleeding slightly. She washed her hair and skin with her good arm the best she could, and then she let the water run over her skin for a moment. Enjoying the sensation.

After making sure everything was clean. She turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, wrapping herself in a towel and drying her hair while sitting down on a bench, just as she was about to braid her hair, she heard a knock on the bathroom door. "yes?" she answered, the door opened and Kirito stepped inside, he closed the door and smiled. He knew she wouldn't ask but he could see her struggling to braid her hair with only one hand. "let me help" he said as he started braiding the strands through each other, following the long train of hair down her back, until he tied it up at the bottom near her waist.

"Thank you Kirito" she said with a small smile. He kissed the top of her head before lifting his shirt, revealing the nasty gash wound in his side. He reached up and grabbed the medication he was given to avoid any infections. He failed to notice the shock in those chestnut colored eyes.

She looked at the wound, grabbing Kirito's hand before he could place any kind of medicine on it. He looked at her in confusion. Then he understood. "it's alright Asuna. It doesn't hurt that bad anymore." he said as he rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb. "but if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have that wound" she said softly. Kirito frowned and sat next to her. "Asuna.... none of what happened was your fault. Don't blame yourself. You did everything you could" he said. "Would you be able to give me a hand?" he asked as he handed her the ointment. She nodded and dipped her fingers into the soft cream before rubbing it on the wound. A cooling sensation went through his skin and he sighed in contentment.

After wrapping him up he turned back to her and pulled out her pain killers. "the medic said to take 2 of these to ease your pain for the night. We'll wrap you up and then we'll be good to go" he said as he handed her the pills. She nodded and took them both, while he changed the bandage wrapped around her arm with new ones. He couldn't believe how cut up her arm was. Though he would never say anything about it. He finished the job and then went to his room, grabbing her a spare shirt and a pair of his boxers.

She slipped them both on and stepped put into the hallway, making Kirito blush slightly at the sight of her wearing his clothes. She smiled softly and took his hand and they both walked into his room. He laid down on the bed and pulled Asuna close. They both took a moment to place themselves comfortably in the bed, Asuna resting her arm agasint a pillow and Kirito laying on his other side.

They nuzzled into each other and held each other close. Kirito was so relieved to have her back, and she felt the same. The last she saw of him... he was laying unconscious as she was taken away. Until that phone call she had no idea if he was okay. She was so happy to be back with him.

Needless to say, they both slept well that night.

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