Chapter Eighteen

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Kirito was pacing back and forth down the hallway of the Yuuki residence. It had been about a week since Asuna's kidnapping, and the police still hadn't found too much,

He had called Asuna's parents and they both said they'd be home as fast as they could. But that was only hours after Asuna's kidnapping.

He continued his pacing until his cousin Suguha grabbed him by his sleeve and stopped him.

"Stop doing that, it's not gonna help you..." She said as she sat down in a chair in the near by living room.

He sat too and put his head in his hands. "Listen... You've barely gotten any sleep since the incident, maybe you should go and lay down?" She said hopefully.

He looked at her and gave her an apologetic smile and nodded. "Sorry Sugu... I know I've been a pain." She shook her head "not at all! Just go get some sleep ok?" She said leaning  over and putting a hand on his shoulder.

He sighed and nodded, getting up, he made his way up the long staircase. He paused as he reached the top step, looking at his  blood stain still in the rug made him shiver and hold his side.

An ambulance had taken him to the hospital immediately and he was patched up and given amazing pain killers, so he was perfectly fine. But seeing the red stain the light pink rug made his stomach turn.

He walked past it quickly and opened the door to Asuna's room, he inhaled the scent of vanilla and strawberries as he laid down on her bed. He looked over at her bedside table and saw the picture of them, Kirito had taken Asuna to a park while she still had her crutches, she looked really happy to be there with him, he smiled as he felt his eyes begin to close.

A few hours had passed before he heard a knock at the door, he got up, rubbing his eyes before getting up and answered it.

At the door stood Lisbeth, Silica, Klein, and... Yuuki?

"Um.... Hey guys, what's up?" He asked in confusion, Lis answered "Your sis let us in, how've you been Kirito...?"

He sighed and smiled, "as good as I can be." He looked behind him at Asuna's room once more before closing the door and making his way down the stairs with everyone.

After everyone had sat down in the living room, Kirito looked at Yuuki, she looked quiet and uncomfortable.

"You're Yuuki Konno right?" He asked trying to be nice, she gave a smile and nodded in response.

"I just came to see how you were doing, I mean when I heard I was pretty shocked." Lisbeth put her arm around Yuuki and smiled. "We were on our way here and we ran into her at the front gate!"

Yuuki laughed and nodded. " I wasn't sure how to face you." She admitted.

Silica spoke up and everyone looked her way. "Any news about Asuna?" She asked, Kirito nodded and looked out the window.

"The police managed to track the vehicle Sugou used to escape prison, but they haven't found and exact location yet." He answered.

Silica nodded in response, then looked around the room, "ummm... Where's Klein?" Just as she said those words he walked in with a smile on his face and a beer in hand.

"We'll find her buddy! So try and cheer up! Besides, Asuna is Asuna! We should have more faith in her!" He said rubbing  Kirito's head roughly.

Kirito gave him a smile and a nod. "You're right."

bzzzz bzzzz bzzzz

Kirito looked down at his phone.

Unknown Number?

He picked up his phone and left the room before he put it to his ear.

"Hello?" He said.



Still nothing.

"Hello Mr.Hero."

Kirito's skin crawled at the voice.

"Sugou... Where the hell are you." He demanded.

"I can tell you that if you're willing to make a deal." He said.

Kirito swallowed as sweat started forming on his forehead. "What deal."

"Well, I'll give you both mine, and Asuna's location, but you have to come alone, and at 12:00am sharp. Or else deal's off." He said.

Kirito clenched his fist and lowered his head.

"I want to hear her." He said.

"Hear her? Oh you mean like this?!"

Suddenly he heard a snapping sound and a yelp. That was Asuna. From what he could hear, she seemed like she was in pain.

"Stop! Stop it! I'll come, just don't touch her." He pleaded.

"Good boy.... I'll let you talk to her just to encourage you." He said into the phone.

A few moments passed, and he heard a voice he'd been wanting to hear for days.

"K-Kirito...?" She said, she sounded tired.

"Asuna... I'm coming to get you. Just hang on ok?" He tried to sound soothing and calm. But his voice betrayed him as it shook.

"Kirito... Thank god you're ok... don't come here. He's only after y-"

He heard another scream followed by a loud thud.

"A-Asuna....? Asuna!"

"You have 24 hours Kirigya. Do not. Keep me waiting.

The call got cut off.

Kirito stood there staring at his phone. His teeth clenched as he yelled out in anger. Throwing his phone at the wall, breaking the screen.

I'm coming Asuna.


Well there you guys go. New chapter yay! I've been wanting to post but if I'm being honest I've been a little lazy,
Also my back is killing me! I'm not old I promise XD I'm 16. Anyway till next chapter!

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