Ike: Just a Moment

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"It's so heavy..." You gave up on lifting the legendary golden sword and allowed the blade to slip from your fingers, sweat falling from your brow. "Oh my gosh, Ike, no wonder you packed on the muscle! The sword is impossible to lift without your kind of build!"

You and the Radiant Hero stood in Smashville's training field; the holy sword Ragnell impaled into the ground in the same spot Ike had placed it ten minutes ago. "Honestly, how do you do it?"

His expression didn't change, but his deep blue eyes sparkled with amusement as he unfolded his arms and easily lifted his beloved blade with one hand. "Well, only certain people can wield Ragnell. I guess you aren't one of the chosen, [Name]..." His voice was soft, consoling; you pouted at his explanation and looked away from Ike's gentle gaze. "I think you're just saying that to make me feel better, you big oaf. So much for no sympathy from you..."

But you knew the blue haired mercenary was telling the truth. When you had met him in the Brawl tourney, Ike was only slightly more muscular than his companion King Marth, and yet he wielded Ragnell with ease and grace. The Radiant Hero caught your attention with his quiet nature, despite his obvious skill, and that was why he was such good friends with you. The soft-spoken and gruff swordsman was a perfect contrast to how boisterous and outgoing you were. So you were sort of surprised to see how much he had changed over the years you had been apart (and how much your feelings for your friends had grown.)

A small sigh left the mercenary's lips, alerting to his presence once more. "Hmm... Ike, is something the matter?" you asked, your lips forming the shape of an O. "Ready to go back into town already?"

His expression changed so subtly you almost didn't notice; but a gentle smile played on Ike's lips, such a rare sight that it instantly brought a cherry blush on your cheeks. The wind blew softly through his dark tresses, and the fading sunlight glistened off Ragnell's golden plating. "I'm ready to leave if you are, Ike," you continued, grinning. Ike's smile widened just a bit at your enthusiasm. "No. Let's just stay out here and watch the sunset... just like old times back in Brawl, huh, [Name]?"

"Yeah! That's a plan!" you responded, cheerfully. Settling onto the grass beside him, you waited for him to once again impale Ragnell into the ground and sit beside you. At your happy expression though, Ike's face morphed into pure joy, happiness sparkling in his normally stoic eyes, such a rarity that you found yourself stammering in confusion. "H-hey!! Ike, your s-smile's so big! W-what's going on, huh?!"

His face showed brief confusion, but slowly he allowed another smile to settle onto his lips. "It's just.....you are so cute, [Name]," he said, rather bluntly. "It's taking all of my restraint not to kiss you right now." You giggled softly at the tiny shade of pink that appeared on the mercenary's cheeks. "Y'know, Ike," you started, shooting him a devious look, "starting now, you're free to kiss me whenever you like.~"

He turned to you, and an embarrassed smile crossed your face at the intensity of his gaze. "[Name]..." he whispered, almost breathlessly. "I hope you are a woman of your word... because I will hold you to that promise, mercenary's honor..." His hands lifted to gently cup your cheeks, and his gaze softened with gentle emotions: love, happiness...

You gasped as he slowly lowered his lips onto yours.

"Starting now...~"


Aaaaaaaand, here's Ike, my second favorite swordsman in Smash~! There's a sequel to this in the works, but it won't be what you think, haha.

It'll star my FAVORITE  Smash swordsman, nyoho.....

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