Robin: Here's a Spell...

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"Aw, come on, Robin! Let's go out into town and have some fun today!" You pouted as your white haired boyfriend sighed, looking up from his book of spells to smile at you tiredly. "Not today, [Name]," he murmured. "I have to practice some new spells before my next match against Bowser..." He trailed off, eyeing the words on his tome before conjuring black magic in his palm.

"But that's what you said YESTERDAY!" you whined. Flopping onto his bed, you idly stared up at the ceiling and listened to Robin cast a few spells.  Occasionally the tactician would voice his frustration, a few choice Ylissean curses leaving the normally calm male's lips. You giggled, propping yourself up to watch as he allowed dark magic to curl around his palm once more before it dissipated with a puff of smoke. "G-gods," he cursed again. Grinning, you gave him a stern yet playful gaze. "Do you need any help, Robin?" you asked, walking up to him and gazing at his tomes with mock interest. Robin thought for a moment. "Well, actually, [Name], there was a spell Reflet gave me to try..."

He began musing over his many spellbooks, thumbing through the well-worn pages with a practiced ease. You hummed in appreciation of how gentle he was with his precious tomes. In fact, you loved how Robin took life in stride, always thinking ahead and predicting the best and worst that could happen. His white hair fell into his serious eyes; yet, an amused smile played on his lips. You cooed softly. "Ah, Robin, you look so cute.~"

At your words, a soft pink hue dusted onto his pale cheeks. "You're much cuter, my love." His response made you laugh. He smirked before pecking you gently on the lips. "I found the spell," he said when you pulled apart. "Do I have permission to do this? Black magic can feel quite strange..." He trailed off once more, reading over his tome once more. "Actually....never mind. I don't want to hurt you..."

"Robin, I know you'd never hurt me." You nodded cheerfully. "I'd be happy to help!"

"...Okay." Robin still seemed a bit wary, but with few whispered words the dark magic crept from his palm and slowly reached out towards you. "This is called Aversa's Night..." The tendrils of night wrapped around your waist with an icy cold touch and seemed to go right through you. You breathed it in; it smelled like ash and fresh rain. "To keep things short, it allows me to control whoever it touched for as long as the spell is in effect..."

"Oh?" It was cold, bitterly so. "Well, what are you going to make me do? Test it out, Robin!"

He smirked, fixing you with an intense stare. You felt your face heat up, but before you could ask why he was staring, you felt yourself being drawn toward him, until you were settle comfortably in his lap. Your arms curled around his neck and you rested your heat on his chest, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. "R-Robin??" His heartbeat matched yours, fast.

"Shhh... I think the spell works, my love." He nuzzled into your hair with a happy sigh.

"....I love you, Robin," you suddenly blurted, your blush deepened in embarassment. "Robin! You didn't have to force me to say-!"

"I love you more, [Name]." The tactician smirked again. "Should we see how long the spell lasts, my dear~?"

You found a smile creeping onto your lips.

Robin would have to use Aversa's Night WAY more often.


Here's the bae, the bf, my everything,,,,, Robin looks so good in Smash i'm crying

Yes, I've played FE: Awakening, and Aversa's Night doesn't do that shhhhh

maybe a JoJo character next hmmmm

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