Nero: Tainted

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(A short and sweet one that me and Ali cooked up at school! Because an update was pretty overdue...enjoy! ~Tani)


He didn't want to touch her, not with that hideous monstrosity of an arm. But she caressed it, her fingers leaving trails of warmth against the cold, scaly, skin. She smiled at it, even, a bright one full of awe at how seamlessly the Devil Bringer had become a part of him.

But Nero couldn't imagine tainting her perfection with his hellish imperfections. He would bite his lip, seemingly ignoring her advances with the music blaring through his headphones, trying to ignore her skin brushing against the Devil Bringer as if caressing a lover...but she wasn't touching a lover. She was touching the ugly, impure part of him. And he would self-consciously pull his arm away from her, sadness playing in his gray eyes.

"N-Nero, you don't have to hide anything from me." [Name] smiled softly at the white-haired teen, gently, patiently. "I know you see your arm as a curse... But you're making the most of it. You're fighting back the demons with the curse they gave you..."

He could say nothing. She spoke the truth, and yet Nero was still wary of the consequences. She hummed, leaning forward to kiss him gently. "But that's okay, I understand, Nero. Devil Bringer or not, I'll still love you.~"

Finally a small smile cracked onto his lips. "You're too good to me, [Name]."


short and sweet and dedicated to Ali's new DMC obsession

haaaa please look forward to the next !!


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