Ren Amamiya/Joker: Opportunistic

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Two things:

1) the King of fighters DATING SIM?! Finally I can romance the literal BEST BOY K'???? SNK i'm fully prepared to through all my money at you. take my walleT NOW, K' I FINALLY GET TO KISS YOU LOML

2) we (finally) finished every Persona game. All of them. Every fan SPINOFF, every DANCING GAME, BOTH P4 ARENAS, Persona 4 AND Persona 4 Golden ..... All of THEM. Persona 2: Innocent Sin best Persona game though a h e m

now to wait for Persona 5 the Royal

anyways, here's everyone's favorite Phantom Thief

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anyways, here's everyone's favorite Phantom Thief. Do y'all call him Akira or Ren?? I go with Ren cause I watched the animation before I even read the original manga so Ren Amamiya is more familiar a name to me, hehe. His similarities with my bby Lelouch (same VA, almost the same motives, MASKS,,,, DEVILISH HANDSOME SMIRK...) made me fall real hard for him as I played the game and watched the animation....

The first time Tani played through Persona 5 she chose //spoilers// to work with the MAIN BAD GUY instead of fighting back and got the "bad" ending so this is actually loosely based off of that

it's short and sweet and to the point. and also very unedited. there are probably many mistakes. oh well.




It was so simple, really.

As long as he completed what the voices, the so-called collective unconscious, told him to do, he could get whatever he wanted. He had that power as the leader of the Phantom Thieves. It was for the greater good, right? He changed somebody or other's heart, maybe threw in a few mental shutdowns here and there, and he could have ANYTHING. Money, power, complete and utter control over anyone he wanted... As long as the world stayed just like this, as long as he enforced the voices' wills, he could have it all. He would have been a bonafide fool to not take up that opportunity, especially when the object of his every affection would be so easy to get

Ren watched them from afar, mostly. Every day, his thick black glasses almost always hid the intense gaze he threw at their back as they sat in class idly. Every day, he would follow them to the subway station, board the same train as them, and memorize every detail of their expression as they gazed down at their phone, his lips turning upwards into a devious little smile as he drunk in how close they were to him. And soon they would be so much more than "close". 

All he had to do was follow the voices' instructions. The voice that whispered so sinfully in his ear, guiding him to Mementos that afternoon and to the task that only someone like Joker could pull off. It was just another Shadow that had begun to break free from the wills of the unconscious, someone that Joker had to shut up, permanently. All to maintain that balance. He didn't mind it though. He knew that his reward for doing so was his own free will, and the thought of what he wanted to do with that brought a devilish smirk to his lips. The Shadow was easy enough to kill, with one Eigaron from Arsene it disintegrated into nothing, the scream that ripped from its throat cut short and making Joker laugh darkly. It was so SIMPLE. Arsene hummed in approval, placing a hand on the thief's shoulders as they watched the suffering Shadow fade away. "Shall we go tonight, then, young one?" the Persona said quietly. "You should claim your reward as soon as possible, before another decides to snatch them away."

"Impossible." Joker waved off Arsene's comment with a waved of his gloved hand. "No one else would dare touch what belongs to me... But yes, tonight." His smirk widened to an almost psychotic one. "I can't wait any longer..."

Arsene returned back to his master's mask, his chuckle resonating in the air and lingering in Joker's mind as he turned with a flair of his coat and tapped away on his phone to exit Mementos. As the palace of the masses disappeared around him, he bit his lip as he tugged at his red gloves excitedly, still clad in the garb of the Phantom Thief's leader even as the empty streets of the real world rose up around him. Such power... and all he had to do was do in a nobody of a Shadow, someone no one would ever miss in the real world as they succumbed to a mental shutdown. It was almost unfair how easy this all was.

It was simple to track down their house; Ren had done it many, many times before on his daily routine back home to Leblanc, and Joker easily hopped from building to building until he had arrived at his destination, his heart thudding heavily against his chest as he landed on the balcony with ease. They were awake, as usual, obviously waiting for him to arrive, or so his deluded, the voices, had begun to tell him. He gripped his large dagger, hiding himself in the shadows as he casually opened the window, easing himself in quietly, almost too quietly, and grinning widely when they turned their eyes toward him from their spot on their bed, fear dancing in their expression. Joker stepped toward them slowly, pointing his dagger toward them as he spoke. "My darling, I've been waiting for this moment," he murmured excitedly. "All this time, all the efforts have led to this. And finally you'll be mine..."

"You're the leader of the Phantom Thieves..." Their eyes grew sad. "The voices.. told me that you'd be here tonight." 

Joker shivered at the sound of their voice. It was as beautiful as ever. "You see, you've stolen my heart from the moment I laid eyes on you..." The thief had reached them, the point of the dagger pressing against his love's cheek and drawing a thin line of blood that made his deep red eyes sparkle in lust. "This is your punishment. For daring to take what belongs to me, now I'll take something of yours." He removed his mask, Arsene's large smile forming in the shadows of the bedroom and his laugh beginning to echo throughout the darkness. "And don't even think of trying to run away. I'm going to mark you as mine, so that you can never, ever escape." His grin was sinister, matching the grim countenance of his Persona that now adorned every wall of the room. "Everyone will know who you belong to. And after tonight, you'll be begging for mercy that will never come..."

The fear in their eyes was delicious. Ren was glad to have that opportunity.

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