Hazama/Yuuki Terumi: Seeing Double

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Y'all like snakes?

Me and Ali got into BlazBlue

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Me and Ali got into BlazBlue. Snakes are pretty sexy as long as they're named Hazama and/or Yuuki Terumi

why not have both

here's a short little thingie i wrote like. yesterday. expect more snakes cause i love them soooooo much... I can listen to Hazama's japanese voice all day 





"So, you were... inside Hazama this whole time?"

[Name] tilted her head as she asked, feigning innocence when the green-haired man in the yellow raincoat sitting to her right gave a groan of exasperation. "When ya put it like that, [Name]-chan, it sounds wrong." Yuuki Terumi kicked his feet up onto the table, his bright yellow eyes twinkling as his lips curled into a evil smirk. "But yeah, I guess I was inside Hazzy this whole time. Every time you both got all snuggly and cuddly and kissy kissy, I was watchin'..." Terumi feigned disgust as he paused, before giving a short high pitched laugh. "Although, sometimes, I was the one in control, when that stuff really got heated. So I guess you were really dating us both!"

"And now you're separated." [Name] turned to her left, towards the smiling face of her boyfriend Hazama, who nodded. "Yes, that's correct! It's a rather long story... involving dead nuns and an accursed alchemist, but I suppose that's all in the past now, love." Hazama shrugged, one eye opening and also gleaming an evil yellow which seemed especially devious under the shadow of his hat. "After all, now you have two of us. Isn't that exciting...? My darling [Name]~" He purred, the cheerfulness in his voice lowering into a seductive tone. 

"I wanted to fuse back with Hazzy, but..." Terumi smirked wickedly, grasping [Name]'s chin roughly and forcing her to gaze into his eyes. "I guess having you as a good enough reason to hold off on that for a bit longer..." He hissed, and [Name] could have swore she saw a snake tongue dart between his teeth. "Being able to devour you any time I want..."

Hazama smirked, occupying himself with twirling her hair around his finger with one hand, and loosening his tie with the other. "This is only temporary, I suppose, my darling," he crooned, his velvet voice as intoxicating as always, "but I do hope you can indulge us both like this just once before Terumi-san decides to overwork me again." This got him a dirty look from Terumi, who opened his mouth to reprimand his former body before [Name] cut him off.

"Well," she began, biting her lip. "You did say I was dating you both, Yuuki, so..."

She couldn't even finish her sentence before she was seeing (and feeling) double.

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