Yoshikage Kira: Delicate

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(this lovely art can be found here: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=32725050)

(okay bye it's story time)

(PS he's already Kosaku Kira at this point)


"Excuse me? Kawajiri-san?" The sound of your voice jolted him from his reverie and he forced himself to tear his gaze from your hands to your face. You frowned at his annoyed expression. "Kawajiri-san, you hired me to tutor Hayato, not stare at us while we're trying to work. Forgive me if I'm being rude, but you're distracting us both..."

Yoshikage Kira dared a glance down at his new 'son', a small grin forming on his face at the fearful expression playing in Hayato's eyes. "Oh, well, I'll leave you both to it," he responded before leaning down to look at Hayato with a stern gaze. "And...son?" The word felt foreign to his tongue. "I expect a good grade on your next test.~" Quietly, Kira took his leave, but not before taking one last glance at your delicate hands.

They were gorgeous, curled around a pencil and an erase as you calmly explained to the small boy an easier way to solve the problem on his math homework. Elation bubbled up within him as fantasies began to play withing his head; he knew then and there that he had found his new girlfriends. Beside him, Killer Queen materialized, gazing at you with cat-like curiosity and hunger. He decided he would make his move tonight, as he took you home after your tutoring session with Hayato.

"Ah, Kosaku~" His 'wife' approached, wrapping an arm around him and gazing at him fondly. Kira flinched; he still wasn't used to being called 'Kosaku' or 'Kawajiri', or any other name that had come with his new identity. This family he was now the head of was an added bonus that Kira didn't want or ask for. "Why don't you ask little [Name]-chan to join us for dinner? I made shrimp puffs~! Your favorite~!"

They were most certainly not his favorite, but they must've been Kosaku's favorite so Kira obliged with Shinobu's suggestion, a fake smile on his lips. "Ah, yes.~ Of course. Let's make it part of [Name]'s payment." As he spoke, Kira couldn't help but wonder how your hands looked wrapped around a pair of chopsticks...

Daring another look at your perfect hands, he caught your gaze and instantly broke out in a nervous sweat. Your [e/c] eyes, suddenly cold, weren't trained on him, although they were gazing in his direction.

Your eyes met Killer Queen's, your gaze so focused and intense that even the Stand was surprised.


Kira was nervous all throughout dinner, and the car ride to your apartment was deafeningly silent. He watched as your hands furled and unfurled, warmth building in the pit of his stomach despite the sense of dread weighing on his shoulders.

"A-ah, Kawajiri-san..." Your voice filled the empty void and Kira suddenly remembered to keep his eyes on the road.

"Yes, [Name]?" He feigned innocence, hoping that everything that happened earlier was just a large coincidence. Your eyes were scared, like a mouse; Kira found his heart pumping at your frightened expression.

"Your Stand..." His blood ran cold instantly. "You're going to kill me, aren't you, Kawajiri-san...?" Your voice was trembling. "Your Stand...is just staring at me like a snack..."

Killer Queen was indeed in the back seat, gazing at her hungrily; Kira wasn't even aware that the cat-like Stand had materialized, Stray Cat along with it. "Y-you can see it..."

You nodded, shaking. "M-my Stand lets me see the truth in things...I know you're going to kill me and I have no way of protecting myself..." There were tears in your [e/c] eyes. "Kira Yoshikage....you're the murderer..."

He grimaced, his dark eyes narrowing to a positively evil gaze. "No one knows the truth about Kira Yoshikage...my dear [Name], I must eradicate you..."

You began to cry openly, your Stand revealing to you that he was indeed going to kill you here and now. "That is," he continued softly. "No one will when I'm done with you..."


for my friend kosaku-kira who loves Kira (just like me) and wanted a Kira fic

i can't write Kira for crap but I love him i'm cry i need more practice

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