Kyo Kusanagi: Wildfire

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some really bad self indulgent Kyo fluff because i have writers block and Kyo is bae tbh


Your daughter, clad in her favorite pajamas, bounced over to you with a happy grin on her small face. "Mommy, mommy, look! Daddy showed me this today!" She outstretched her palm and furrowed her brow in concentration, and you marveled at the tiny orange flame that danced on the edges of her fingers. "Kyoko-chan, you're really getting good at controlling your flame," you praised, taking her by surprise when you lifted her high into the air and began smothering her with kisses. "But even strong little girls like yourself need their sleep, lovely~"

"B-but, mommy, I'm not tired!" Kyoko pouted at the thought of sleep, her small fire dying out.

"Kyoko-chan, if you don't sleep, then your fire will never be as big as mine.~" The voice of your boyfriend was accompanied by the sound of a roaring flame, and he strode confidently into your daughter's bedroom with smirk in place and eyes alight with the power Kusanagi fire that was now enveloping his arm. Kyoko's own brown eyes widened, her lips parting in awe. You, however, simply rolled your eyes and placed your hands on your hips. "Kusanagi Kyo! What've I told you about playing with fire in this house?"

A sheepish grin replaced his arrogant smirk. "Sheesh, [Name], baby, you sound like my mom," he complained mildly, but he complied, putting out his fire and pulling you into a gentle kiss. Kyoko's face contorted in disgust, making a small 'blech' noise to boot. Kyo pulled away and chuckled, bending quickly to scoop up the small girl in his arms. "Hey, you think that's disgusting, huh? Well, here's some for you!" Kyoko gasped and instantly broke in small giggles as he pecked her all over her face, even throwing in some "Stop, daddy!" in for good measure.

Your heart swelled with love at the sight of your two favorite people in the whole world.


Your daughter fast asleep for the night, you stretched your arms and retreated to the living room, where your boyfriend had casually reclined onto the couch. He looked up when you entered, warmth forming a blush on his cheeks despite the cocky smile on his lips. Sitting up, he outstretched his arms, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Oh [Name]-chan~ Come and sit on Daddy's lap.~"

Rolling your eyes at this choice in words, you complied, and he gave a small sigh of satisfaction before lowering his lips onto yours. The kiss was heavy and full of love, and when he pulled away his eyes were glittering and lovestruck. Never in a million years did Kusanagi Kyo ever see himself becoming as family man; especially not with the threat of Orochi and that Yagami guy chasing him around every corner. But just gazing at you now...and now his daughter...he was beginning to have second thoughts.

"Hmm? What's the matter, Kyo?" You cocked your head to the side in slight confusion. Kyo shook his head, and his cocky grin widened. "It's just been so long since we've been together like this, [Name]," he cooed. "May I have you all to myself tonight~?"

It was morning, that, in your morning after euphoria, you had noticed the diamond ring he had slipped onto your finger, engraved with the Kusanagi family symbol.


whispers I will never do Kyo enough justice

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