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Please comment, vote, and all that fun stuff. Oh if you do comment the party hat guy. *<;p Thanks if you read that authors note or even this book.


(Aaron's POV)

''AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!''. Someone souted in my ear seconds before I jolted up off the couch. I didn't exactly stand up like I expected. I just fell face first on the floor because Niall had fallen asleep draped over me holding my feet down.

''WHAT THE HE--!''. I stopped my self abruptly and covered my mouth. ''That almost slipped out I am so sorry.''

''It's okay if you did that to me I would have a few more choice words for you. Well I'm happy I got you up. All the boys tried and I was the only one to wake you.'' Louis said in his reassuringly loud voice.

''What time..... is it?''. I asked in between a yawn.

''It's time to go home.'' Liam said extending his arm to help me up. Which I gladly excepted. ''I'll take you to the limo. Do you want to sit by me?''


Suddenly Niall sat up from his recent spot on the couch and shouted. ''I call setting by her in the limo!!!''

''Awwwww!!" The other boys whined. '' I wanted to sit by her!"

''It's okay guys I'll set by you tomorrow when we have to get my stuff.''

''But Aaron this is different.''. Louis said shyly.

''How is it different?''. I asked curiously.

''Well...................................You know.....You're tired...and you might well.... you know.....fall asleep''. He then trailed off.

''Well let's get going so we can have some fun at home.''. Liam said trying to break the awkwardness. He intertwined my fingers with his and pulled me through the door of the room. Suddenly we were sprinting away without the rest of the boys.

By now we were running down the hall towards the back exit. I turned and looked behind us to see a group of boys chasing after us. ''Liam they're coming!!" I screamed panting a little.

''Hurry this way!! He whisper/shouted as he turned away from the exit and down a narrow corridor. He took a left pulling me along with him. He then quietly pushed open a door and walked in. It was dark and I couldn't see anything.

''Liam where are we?''

''We're in the clo---Shhhhh!---'' He said pulling me close to him. I heard a bunch of feet smacking against the ground right in front of the door. Then I heard someone walk closer to the door. Liam pull me even closer to him so I could feel his heart beat speed up, and his warm breath on the back of my neck. I'm so glad we were in the dark because if we weren't he would see how red my face was getting. ''Don't scream I'm just going to cover us up a bit.'' he whispered into my ear. I felt a warm fuzzy jacket fall on top of me. At first it tickled my face but I was to concerned on the shaking of the doorknob.

''SUPERMANNNNNN!!!!!!!". Louis screamed as he threw open the door. It reminded of when Ally showed me one of their video diaries and Louis ripped open his shirt screaming that. It was hard not to laugh at how silly he was being. ''Harold!! YOU SAID THE WENT IN HERE BUT THEY AREN'T IN THERE!!!"

''But....they..did...go..in..here...I saw....them.'' He said in between gasps. He then walked in through the door and started looking in the room. ''Guess they aren't here.'' He muttered after he caught his breath.

They then closed the door and walked into the next room, still searching for us.

''Come on we need to get to the limo and hide out there. We can text them from there.''. He whispered.

''Okay but we need to sneak out of here.'' I reached up and flipped the light switch. I then noticed all the shelves above us. They were covered in clothes, hats, shoes, and glasses. '' Who's Clothes are these?''

''They are ours. We use these while we have concerts and stuff.''

''Well let's disguise ourselves then.''. I said as I pulled out two backpacks. ''Is it okay if I wear your guys' clothes?''

''Sure! But are you...going to..you know...change here?'' His cheeks starting to change color.

''Well, I guess I'll have to. You have to turn around though. Oh! Look at this!'' I said pulling down some clothes. I had grabbed a men's plaid shirt with three quarters length sleeves, a cap, a pair of black shades, and one of 6 pairs of TOMS that were all the same. ''Uh Liam can you turn around now I need to change?''

''Oh okay. By the way that's my shirt.'' He said sheepishly before turning around.

I turned around too and started to get changed. I threw on the clothes. ''Okay I'm done'' I said as did a 180° spin.

''I already knew that''. He said searching the shelves for an outfit.

''Oh so you peaked didn't you?''.

''Yep'' He said embarrassment clearly in his voice.

''So let's pick out something for you. Here you go.'' I said pulling out some more clothes. It was a maroon colored hoodie, a pair of dark semi-tight jeans, and white high tops.

''That will work, but what about cover for my face?''. I ripped a pair of giant lensed, gold rimmed sunglasses from the wall filled with every design of glasses you could think of.

''Does this work for you?''

''Yes it does m'lady.''. He said linking my arm with his. ''Ready to be off Lady Rose?'' He asked in a really posh accent as we both picked up the back packs filled with our recent clothes.

''Yes I am Sire Payne.'' I mimicked.

And with that we walked out the door of the closet. We were about 3/4 of the way down the hall when Louis walked out of a room and almost ran into me.

''Excuse me, but have you two seen a boy and a girl. The boy is Liam Payne and the girl is named Aaron-'' Oh my gosh he didn't even recognize me and Liam. ''-The girl named Aaron is a little taller than 5 and a half feet. She is very, very pretty with gorgeous green eyes and beautiful light brown hair. So have you seen them?''

''Oh no, I'm sorry. I hope you find them soon.''. I said using my Irish accent. I was very good at mimicking accents and voices.

''Love, are you Irish?'' He asked astonished at my voice. ''I mean i have a friend that's Irish and you just sounded exactly like him.''

''Yes I am actually, but me and my friend here have to get going. We have a movie to catch.''

''Oh well then see you around.''

''See you too.'' I said walking away, Liam by my side.

''How did you do that?'' Liam asked once we were out of earshot of Louis.

''What? The accent? I am really good at mimicking things.''

''Really good? Don't you mean fantastic! You would be amazing at prank calling! But don't do that it's a bad thing to do to people.''

''Is that the limo?'' I said pointing to the huge black stretch limo. That I could see through the glass door right in front of us.

''Yes it.'' He said walking strait up to it and opening the door for me. I got in. He followed in right after.

The inside of the limo was just like a booth seat you would find at a restraunt. The seats were black velvet. There was a even a mini fridge. It was a really nice limo.

''Okay now time to have a little fun with the other boys. Would you like to have the honors?'' I said handing him my phone. He smiled and gently took the phone from my hand, then punching in the number *67.


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