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Okay I'm debating on whether or not to start a new book where they are all vampires. I don't know why but I read one like that a while back and all these ideas for one came to me. So if you think I should tell me. It just means I would have to stop updating this one so much.


(Aaron's POV)

Niall carried me into the house. I can't believe he did. He is such a gentleman. Well, more like he's my slave do to his kindness towards me. I probably shouldn't take advantage of that. I know Ally would.

He set me down on the couch and said ''Welcome to our home!''

Then all the boys ran down the stairs toward me and Niall. Louis ran up to me. He picked me up bridal style and ran up the stairs. Once we got in to a room on the second floor he laid me bed and ran back to the door locking it behind him. He just stood there gave me a really creepy smile.

''You aren't going to rape me are you. Because that would be kind of awkward.''. I said only loud enough for him to here.

He slowly walked toward me and then said ''Oh girl you acki'n cray, cray! It wouldn't be rape you would enjoy it to much.''. He said acting like one of those weird girls that say lol instead of laughing at a joke.

I started laughing uncontrollably. I couldn't help it. The sad part is what he said is probably true.

''No, it is true. And yes you did say that out loud.''. He said as he turned and walked to the fridge in the kitchen that was to the right. This place looked strangely familiar.

''Yeah you're right Louis you always are.''. I said still giggling from the recent conversation. ''Hey Lou, what are you doing?''

''Well you have to have a welcome home party tonight so you need to stay awake some how.'' He walked back over to me holding some sort of aluminum can in his hand. ''I thought you would need some energy because you kept falling asleep. So I got you an energy drink. Don't tell the boys, I'm not allowed to have these.''

''I can see why.''

''Now drink about less than half of it. Any more and it could get crazy.''

''Why have you tried it?''

"Yes, and I can get a little scary.''

I then took a sip of the drink. Immediately I felt a buzz as it hit the pit of my stomach. This stuff was strong, and sour. I took one more sip before handing it back to Louis.

''I see you think it's sour.'' He teased. As he took the can and set it up on the marble counter top.

''How could you tell? Was it the puckered up face or the cringing that gave it away?'' I muttered sarcastically.

''A little sassy I see. No match for the sass masta though.''

''Yeah you be da masta!!!!! Fo realzz!!!" I said acting all gangsta on him

"OPEN UP!! What are you two doing in there? You do realize you've been in there for about twenty minutes now right?" Liam screamed pounding on the door.

"We're coming!!!! Just calm yo tits!!!" Louis screamed from the other side of the room, hiding the evidence of the energy drink.

Suddenly I felt the energy drink take affect.....................again. This time I felt like dancing. I got up ran to the door unlocked it then, ran down stairs screaming "DANCE PARTY!!!!!!!"

All the boys were down stairs except for Louis, and Liam which I left in the door way when I bolted out of Louis' room. All the boys were just sitting there on the couch while I stared to duggie. Louis then ran down from the second floor. Once he saw me dancing he yelled " TEACH ME HOW TO DUGGIE, DUGGIE!!!!! TEACH ME HOW TO DUGGIE!! CAUSE ALL THE LADIES LOVE ME!!!!!!"

Zayn stood up and yelled "WOBBLE BABY, WOBBLE BABY, WOBBLE!!!" Me Louis, and Zayn all then started to do the wobble.

Niall jumped to his feet and screamed "EVERY DAY I'M SHUFFILI'N" And again we all started to shuffle.

Harry then stood and yelled out " DO THE HARLEM SHAKE!!''. We all wiggled wildly. Even Liam joined in from the bottom of the stairs.

It was like a flash mob. We all just started singing random verses of songs at the top of our lungs. We did this for about a full hour and a half. And I got it all on film. *evil laughs* Just kidding but they did ask me to film it so it's on my phone. Good luck with that not some how getting out.


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