Uncle George

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Okay my book switched two chapters around and I was wondering if anybody else's has done the same? It would make everything weird and confusing for ever one. So read 'Aaron's airplane nap' Then read 'waiting in the airport' okay? I just want to try to clear this up.

Here's the story! Enjoy!

(Aaron's POV)

Soon I snapped back into reality and notice Ally didn't really flag down a cab it was just parked there waiting for someone to get inside and drive off to it's destination. There were about three other cabs just waiting outside in a line. Why would the cabs need to wait here? No one is really at the airport. It's about to close soon since it is almost 11:00 at night.

I took my light neon green case with white polk-a-dots out of Ally's hand and chucked it in the trunk of the cab. I actually kind of regret just throwing it in there. I had a laptop and the rest of my electronics in there. Smart move Aaron.

As a nice deed Ally opened the door for me and let me get in the car first. Something is up with her she never does good deeds and this is surprising.

the inside of the cab was musty smelling. There was also a pungent cologne lingering around the driver. He had his black hair short, and a little stubble on his upper lip and chin.

Ally jumped in the seat beside me and said ''Hey George! How have you been this year?'' I was guessing she was talking to the driver.

He responded with '' I'm doing great and I see you've brought your friend Aaron along.''

Then it clicked this was Ally's uncle George. Man he would always bring the best pizzas to Ally's family Christmas party.

''Hey George, do you have any of that special pizza of yours?'' I am pretty much always thinking about food, and I can practically always eat.

''I actually do just for you I remember how you liked it. I Also thought how hungry you would be getting off that plane, and it is you first time in New York city so here's a welcome to my home gift!''. He said while lifting a giant pizza box out of the front passenger seat and set it in my lap. ''So girls where are you going to stay?''

''At the usual place, as usual.'' Ally answered for me. Wow why won't she tell me about this place. She just keeps saying the usual place when I am around. I have to figure it out soon enough because we are headed to the 'usual place' right now.

And with that I ate my pizza with Ally as we drove along the very busy streets of NYC. I can't wait to get to my bed at the hotel and just sleep. I slept almost the whole nine hours of the flight but this jet lag thing is getting to me now.


I had finished almost half the pizza and about three hours passed by the time the cab slowed down. I was interrupted by the car engine stopping abruptly and my friend squealing in delight ''WE'RE HERE!!!!''

I looked out the window of the cab and saw a big almost mansion like building. It had about four columns lining the the front of the house. The whole building was painted a very muted coral color. It had a two terraces on it with giant glass doors. The front steps were made from marble. This was not a hotel. This WAS a mansion.

''Ally were are we?!??!!!? Is this were we are staying?!?????!!!!? Who's house is this?!?!?''

''Aaron calm down. We are still in New York but on the very, very outskirts. This is where we are going to stay. And this is the house De Le Foster!! She said dramatically.

''So who's house is it?!?"

''It's my whole families really. We all share it but my uncle George here lives here and takes care of it. We also have a house near yellow stone and one in Washington, the state.''

I was in so much disbelief. How could she keep this a secret. HER FAMILY WAS RICH!! I MEAN LOADED! THIS PLACE WAS SO NICE AND FANCY, HOW COULD SHE NOT TELL ME???

''I know Aaron you're probably thinking about why I never told my family was rich. It's all because my parents thought you would just be my friend so you can mooch off of my money and get what you want. But you have been my friend since we met at the babysitter so now my parents know you are a true friend.'' She said excitedly. Wow I was a true friend. I mean I thought she was just like my family, not very wealthy, but even if she was like me I was still willing to be her friend. I feel good about my self now.

''Okay thanks for trusting me, I guess? But let's get our butts' inside I really want to sleep!'' And with that we rushed up to the door that was just recently opened by George.

Oh. My. God. This place is just.....wow. There aren't any words that I can use to describe this place to you except, She really is that rich.


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