Harry's Plan

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Okay I just wanted to tell you people my name. I have nothing else to really tell but this. My name is Kaylee. If you spell it backwards it's Eelyak. Like an Eel and a Yak. Good combination right. Oh don't forget to vote and tell me about your own stories. I'll try to read them.


(Harry's POV)

Aaron looked so peace full as she slept, but now she was waking up. I need to go through with my plan.

"Hey Harry. Are all the other boys in bed?" She asked squeezing in a yawn.

"Yeah they all went to bed early. So I was wondering if you would like to watch a movie with me?"

"Sure. What movie?"

"What ever you want. Except for horror movies. Liam says we can only watch those when we are in a group, because some people, get kind of.....scared.....you know?''

"Hmmm.... Harry, it seems to me like you are one of those people.". She said as a giggle escaped her mouth. I smiled because her happiness just made me melt inside. It also surprised me to have her figure out that I was kind of scared of those type of movies. But just a little, you know how something scary pops out? That's what gets me. And all scary movies have that kind of thing.

"Well sort of I don't like how things jump out at me.'' I said completely honest.

"Yeah that's what gets me too. Other than the monsters, ghosts, surprises, death, and sounds."

"Well that's pretty much the whole movie right there. So would you like to watch one with me. I'll be there with you probably about to wet my self. Trust me you won't be alone."

"Are you sure? Which one? And if we do watch this movie will you please sit really close to me? Pweease?" She said like a scared little kid.

"Yes. I have an idea. And absolutely Yes!". I said as a smile grew upon her face. I could also see a twinkle in her eyes that wasn't there before. It looked like pure joy. Something I've never seen in her eyes while I'm around. I think she has finally given me a chance. Yes!


(Aaron's POV)

It was different he was opening up to me. No flirting just trying to get to know me. Which I did know he really wanted to do. He was cute I had to admit but I can't see myself with him. It would feel wrong because I know that the other boys also liked me. I couldn't split them up. I really do agree with the 'man code: Bros Before Hoes'. No I am not a hoe but if I do get in between their friendship I won't mind having anyone call me that, because it would be true. I can't just do that to anyone. That's besides the point though.

Harry was leading me into the pretty large and open living room. Well he was almost practically dragging me there. I was so tired that he had to almost completely pull me into the room.

"So what movie ideas did you have curls?"

"Is that my new nickname? If it is I should be able to call you one too. Oh and THIS!" He said holding up a plastic case.

"No! Not that one! It's really scary." I squealed at Harry.

"Yes we are watching this one 'kryptonite'. Don't worry we have both seen it so we can prepare our selves for the scary parts." He said with a cheeky smile. Wait did he just call me kryptonite? Serious did I hear right? No I think I'm hearing things I'll just brush it off.

"Well that is true." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Go ahead and put it in.". He walked over to the TV and put the DVD in the little shiny plastic prism. I plopped down on this huge white couch. "Harry?"

"Yeah?". He said as he flopped down beside me. I got closer to him just enough so our arms could touch, he seemed really pleased about this.

I looked up at his face and into his emerald eyes the dim light making this question more serious. I started to bit my lip a little, this made him a little excited. Oh god it's fun to play with him a little. He was looking straight into my eyes as I was about to ask my question. Our faces inches away, I noticed he was slowly moving closer. Wow he's so gullible. "Why do you guys have a white couch? It seems so odd because you're a bunch of messy boys."

"Well.........I thought we were going some where else there.". He said as he pulled away and rubbed the back of his back awkwardly.

"Oh. You wanted these?" I said sarcastically pointing to my lips.

"Actually I did.". He said blushing and looking into his lap shamefully.

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before the movie started. I rapped my arms around his biceps, and pulled my self closer to him. I heard a hushed chuckle escape his mouth. Slowly I felt his arm reach around me, pulling me even more closer to him. He had a warm embrace. It was inviting and nice. I was so close to him though I could hear his heart beat. It was slow and rhythmic at first, but it then sped up as he realized that I was laying my head on his chest.

"Now I know how great Louis and Niall must have felt". He mumbled to himself, thinking I wouldn't catch it.

Again. I ignored his comment and started watching the movie. This movie almost made me almost wet my self. The sad part was we were in the middle of it and I uncosiously screamed a couple times. I forgot that the boys were just up stairs asleep, until I felt my phone vibrate.

"Harry I can't take it any more this is horrible. Can we turn it off and go to bed please?". I asked truly terrified.

"Sure but don't you want to see the end tomorrow......in the daytime of course." He added, trying to get more time with me.

"Okay but I think I'll go to bed now. Good night Harry.". I said as I kissed his cheek. My hand reached up to his perfect hair, running my fingers through it gently, ruffling his curls. He let out a groan as I stopped and walked off, obviously angry I left him right after how happy I was making him. He obviously loved it.

My phone buzzed about three more times all at once. Oh. Yeah. I got a text couple texts. Let me just check them.



Thanks to everyone who has read this book! Oh and a big thanks to the person that voted! Just thought I would thank you! Until the next chapter..........

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