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(Aaron POV)

"I'M SOOOOOoooooOOOOooo BORED!". Louis groaned as he rolled around on the floor.

Right now we were all sitting on the couch, except Louis, trying to think of something to do, since video games 24/7 gets tiring after awhile. The boys and i haven't had many ideas because, well we're not familiar with the area. On the plus side there's more to discover, we just have to get our lazy butts off the couch and rediscover sunlight.

"Maybe we could go swimming. I mean you have a pool and all.". Liam offered looking away from his phone for a brief second. He'd been on it all morning replying to as may people on twitter as he could. He's such a sweet boy.

"Yeah I'd love to go swimming! Especially with the lovely Aaron here. We've all seen how wonderful she is in a bikini.". Harry said looking my in the eyes and winking. I shot him a glare, and not a pretty one might I add. As I was scolding Harry with my contorted face I saw out of the corner of my eye, the Irish lad staring intensely at something in my direction. I was confuse so I turned to focus on him trying to see what was in his line of vision. That's when I realized he was staring directly at me due to our sudden eye contact. I felt uncomfortable, so as fast as it was created, the connection was broken. AwwwKKwwwAAArrrDD........... Wait, had he been staring like that this whole time? Wow, Niall.....creepy much!?

"I'm not sure if we can go swimming guys. After all this isn't my house and it's not my pool.". I said trying to find a loophole out of the bikini situation. I really didn't want them to see me in a bikini...............again.

"Then why don't we call Ally and ask her if we can? It's not like she can say no to her 'favorite people'.". Zayn pipped up. A chorus of 'can you?'s' and 'pahweese's' echoed through the room. All of them were giving me puppy dog faces, that is except Niall, who was still staring. Dang boi! S'up wit chu!? Ya being all creep'ay like today!

"Fine. You guys win this round but the next one goes to me.". I say pulling out my phone with the cute teddy bear case. Before I knew it the boys had all crowded around me.

As I was searching through my menu for the contacts someone had sent me a text. I knew this due to the familiar 'da da!' that erupted from the device in my hand. Before I could see who even sent it, the phone was yanked out of my hand by Harry. "Haaarrrryyyyyyyyyyyy! Give it back.". I said reaching for it. He just put his hand over my face preventing me from taking or seeing my phone. This didn't stop me from flailing my arms wildly, still trying to get the phone.

"Hold on just a second babe.". He said as I heard the little ding that signals that my message had successfully been sent. The only problem was, it wasn't my message. He removed his hand from my face handing me back my phone. "By the way it was your mom.". He said right before he ran down a hall and out of my view. Oh gosh Styles what did you do!?!?

I frantically opened up the recent texts and found what that dork had done.


From: Mommy :-)

Hey Aaron! I wanted to check up on you. How you doing? Did you meet the boys of that band Ally's obsessed with? Which one's have you kissed yet? Remember use protection! I'm too young to be a grandma. Wrap it before you tap it! Love you honey!


To: Mommy :-)

Hi mom! I'm doing great, and I did meet the boys. They are all so sexy, especially the one named Harry. He so flipping hot! Don't get me started on his hot bod!!! Yes I have kissed all of those dreamy boys. But Harry was the best kisser! Oh and thanks for the advice, I'll tell Harry this too so we both know. Love you mum!!!

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