A little overboard 2

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I'll right the author notes at the bottom now. Sorry if this chapter isn't that good. I'm in a bad mood right now and I don't feel like editing it very well.


(Aaron's POV)

"Wait what guy? Where is he?" I asked very curious as to who it was.

"Well since we said he is standing at the mailbox, I have no idea.". Louis said very sarcastically. I mean, how else would he have said it?

Slowly I turned around, putting on my helmet. "So are we going to go have breakfast at my house or not?". I said hapily acting like we never had our previous conversation.

Liam looked confused. "But what abou-".

"You might want to bring some swim trunks over.......just in case". I say cutting him off. Right after I uttered those words, I reived the engine to the four-wheeler and took off.

I should really think before I run away, but for this I did use my brain. I drove out towards the back side of the house, the part where the backyard meets the side yard, and did a 180 as I spun around to face the boys. Using this as an excuse of 'showing off' to get a glimpse of this mystery man. He was a tall male. To me he looked around twenty, and a his teenage years must of been kind to him. He was sitting on the bench, yes there was a bench near the mailbox, talking on his phone. He was wearing a light maroon hoodie; the hood was up causing some of his light brown tiny curls to poke out from under it. This mystery man was actually very very cute. Well, even though he is creepy it's true. I didn't think he looked mean so I thought I should talk to him. But not here the boys would be to protective over me.

I drove back to the boys, I almost completely forgot that I needs to tale one of the boys on with me so no one is left to walk to my house. "SOMEONE HOP ON!" The boys looked at each other as if deciding who should go with me. Before the boys could officially decide Harry grabbed a helmet and jumped on the back of the four-wheeler.

Before the boys could put up a fight I sped off. This was going to be funny.


After about a half hour of being chased by the boys, and uncontrollably laugh from me and Harry, he told me to pull over so we could hide from them. Me and Harry were pretty going friends now. It turns out I didn't have to be scared of him, unless he was really angry, other than that he is like a big teddy bear.

We were now in me and Ally's back yard running from the other boys. I noticed that there was a little section of woods it was just enough to seem like a forest, but not be a forest. I could tell that Ally's parents had bought the this huge amount of land, complete with a forest.

"There Harry. We can hide in there.". I said pointing to the intimidating wall trees.

"But we could get lost."

"Harry I'm pretty sure George told me he has a cabin in there. It's where he lives.". He just gave me a confused look in response. "George is Ally's uncle.". He then looked at me and formed an 'o' shape with his mouth and nodded.

We walked in to the woods and there was this little path. It wasn't really a path just some odd clues pointing us to the cabin. Considering who uncle George was the clues weren't that weird. The clues were just little pictures of ducks carved into the trees. You could barley see then but they were obviously there, I could tell Curly didn't see them because he kept looking around confused.

Finally we reached the cabin or I would call it a tree house. It was really high up in the tree, with a long spiraling stair case that lead up to it. (A/N. *cough* *cough* The cover. *cough*). it was right at the edge of the forest so everything behind it was just fields. No trees, except for a few stragglers.

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