I Got An Offer!

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(Aaron's POV)

"So this little cafe is right down the street?" I asked my goofy buddy. Jessy had been walking around the store being crazy. We were in 'Macy's' in the women's department, when Justin Beiber's 'Baby' came on. Jessy being Jessy, put on a boa, knee high women's boots, and purse. He then proceeded to run up and down the escalator screaming the song in a girly voice. It was hilarious!

"Yes it is miss! Would you like me to tell the saddle boy to hurry up the horse!?". He said talking so loud to a point where he was yelling!

"Shhhh! People are staring! Again!". I sternly whispered at him. This made him look around. Which to my luck he caught the evil glare of an old lady.

"Oh Helloooo ma'am! NICE NIGHT ISN'T IT!". He said to her, getting louder with every word.

"It would be nicer if you ungreatfull kids would shut your mouths." The old lady snapped back.

"SORRY I'LL TRY HARDER NEXT TIME!" He remarked laughing the whole time.

"You better you little twat!". She grumbled as she hobbled away with the herd of old ladies. Hmmm. I guess they travel in packs. Strength in numbers!

"Sorry ma'am!". I called after her even though she was the one being rude.

"Why are you saying sorry?". He said normally.

"Oh so now you talk regularly!". I said loudly. Apparently we had switched places on the volume scale.

And of course my yelling got peoples attention, because I heard a girl shreik, "Hey that's the girl that was with Niall all day! Maybe she can give us his number!"

"Uh-oh.". Was all I said once I turned around and saw the mob of girls running towards me.

"OH LOOK M'LADY HERE COMES YOUR HORSE NOW!". Suddenly Jessy started making horse sounds, and patting his back. "Hop on!". He says as he stops beside me. With out any question I jump on, taking him up on the offer of a piggy back ride. We make it to the door and he pushes it open running down the street.

"Ahhh! Where are we going!?". I screamed into the wind.

"To the cafe!". He replied back. After about twenty more feet he stopped. "You can let go now, you know that right.". He chuckled. I felt my face heat up as I lost my grip from around his torso.

"Oh........ I'm sorry."

"It's okay, really it is. So now since I got you out of the mall safely you'll have to repay me.". He said plastering an evil smile on his face, while he rubbed his hands, throwing in an evil laugh for effect.

"What is this payment?"

"Well let's just say I hope you don't have stage fright.". He rushed out as he pushed me into a small building. Once inside the little restaurant, I took in the view of the place. Obviously it was the cafe place Jessy was talking about, but it seemed more of like the living room of a family oriented house hold. There were pictures of families, pets, newspaper clippings, and trophies, medals, and ribbons of all kinds. These ranged from sports, to dance, to baking competition. This place was very warm and inviting.

"Wow.....". That's all that could escape my mouth, due to the utter astonishment I felt.

"I know.....". Apparently he was just as amazed and speechless as me. While studying the cafe's layout, I noticed a karaoke stage. What I also noticed was the boy in the back of the room. He had on a hoodie but he had the hood up so I couldn't quite see his face. For some reason he just seemed so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on who he was. Who is he? I was cut out of my thoughts when I heard the shuffling of feet that came from near the door. I spun around and saw the girls that were at the mall a few seconds ago. Aww man! They found me.

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