The Concert

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Okay I made the last chapter really long because I reached my goal! We got passed fifty wwooohhhooo! Thanks to everyone who has read the book, or if you read the A/N but thank you so so sooooooooo much! Also I am going to make the plan out to be a chapter for the concert, the signing and backstage. I will also have other peoples point of views too.

Here it is!

(Niall's POV)

It kind of irritated me that she was texting all the other boys but me. I mean I understand that she might be mad at me but, it doesn't mean we can't talk at all. I mean she could at least tell me if she was mad. I thought maybe I should text her. You know what's weird? We haven't even properly met and I still am worried about what she might think of me. We should meet up so I can get to know her in person.

I pulled out my phone and texted her. I asked her if she wanted to meet up. All she said was 'sure.' I guess that means she is still mad. I'll just ask her if she is.


To: lovely

Why don't you answer all my questions? Just tell me if you are mad or not.


From: lovely




It feels so much better to know that she isn't mad at me. Don't laugh at my nickname for her. That's just what I prefer. It seems better than calling her bikini like I told her I would.

At least I can feel better when we are preforming on stage. The boys and I are going to have a great time tonight. They all seem happy for some reason. Maybe it's because we get to meet the fans. Yeah that's it.

(Aaron's POV)

We finally made it to the Arena. Now all we have to do is walk-in get our tickets, seats, and we're done. I just can't believe that I agreed with Liam's idea. This will be great.

(Liam's POV)

I finally get to talk to Aaron in person. She seems like a really nice girl. She already has two of the boys after her. I don't think she wants a third though. At least my part of the plan will play out well.

''Liam! five more minutes!''

Oh my gosh I have been thinking about her for about an hour now. Please brain, don't do this to me! You know I have no chance with her! Now just focus on the songs.

(Harry's POV)

Yes I finally get to see Aaron again. I always texted her but never talked to her in person. Oh what I'd do to see her again! Oh wait I am going to see her. YES!!

(Louis' POV)

I only saw Aaron once, but she seems kind of like me. I mean she tells really cheesy jokes, she even plays along with me. Gosh I am starting to like this girl already.

(Zayn's POV)

Wow I am going to meet this girl that everyone is talking about. I have to impress her. I just hope she doesn't hurt any of the boys. I have to monitor her a little.

(Ally's POV)

I can't wait for this. Look the concert is starting. Aaaahhhhhhh! I hope the boys can see us.


(Aaron's POV)

{The last song is coming on. 'WMYB' }

The song came on and I knew Liam's plan has come into effect. Now this is the time where each of the boys pull a girl of there choice up onto the stage so they can sing to them, but that's not how it's going to happen tonight.

I took my glasses off and looked down to put them in my pocket. When I looked back up there were three boys sticking their hands out towards me, while pushing each other. haha they were fighting over me. Well all except for Zayn who walked down the stairs of the stage, then locked arms with me and walked me back up the stairs he came from.

We walked up the stairs and all the boys rushed up beside me. Except for a confused Niall who had picked a different girl from the crowd. Then the rest of the boys sang to me. I could see how bad Niall wanted to know why all the boys chose one girl, and didn't tell him about it. I kind of felt bad for the other boys, they would be bombarded with a confused leprechaun's wall of questions.


(Niall's POV)

What are the other boys doing? Aren't we all suppose to pick a girl to sing to? I'm just going to to follow what I was told.

Wait they are all singing to one girl. What makes her special enough for all four of them to sing to her? Why wasn't I told about this? Gosh they could at least move away from her so I can get a glance at this girl.

Just focus Niall you need to sing to this one girl. You're the one that picked her. Maybe because she kind of looked like the one girl I've been texting.

The song is almost over. Then I can see this special girl that they ALL had to sing to. I wonder if I know her? Probably not. There are many pretty girls here that the boys could want to sing too. But why her? And why at the same time?

Well the song is over, now we have to get ready for the signing that is right after this. I could ask the boys about her at the signing. I think I'll do that.

(Aaron's POV)

The boys literally fought over me on stage. Every time a boy had a solo they would turn me towards them so I had to look at them while they sang. It got a little crazy when they all sang at the same time so I would face Louis or Liam. Liam I would face because he was pretty calm, and Louis I faced because he would always turn me so i would only see him. When I watched Zayn sing he tried to look away from me, so I didn't really face him that much. It was hard to look at Harry because he kept making weird faces at me. There was a couple duck faces, and about five pedophile looks. He even threw in a couple cross eyed looks.

Once the song was over Harry and Louis both walked me down to where they took me from.

As Louis let go of my arm he kiss my hand then he looked me in the eyes and said. ''Niall was right about your eyes. They are beautiful.'' With that he turned and walked away.

Suddenly I felt something brush against my ear. Then a low husky voice whisper in my ear. ''See you at the signing babe. ''

I was in complete and utter shock. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there and blushed at him. He pinched my cheeks, smiled and ran back up the stage so they could all say their goodbyes and go backstage to get ready for the signing that is in 40 minutes.


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