1st Night: Haunted by the Past

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*Mitsuki's POV*
(Mitsuki's Dream)
I opened my eyes, and in front of me was my older brother, Masato, and my younger brother, Kaito. We were inside of our residence, in the living room. It was a very spacious living room and it had many fancy furniture. Masato and I were tutoring our younger brother, Kaito, while our parents watched with smiles. I started.

"Ok. Kaito. Here is the first question. Before the Senate was formed, who was the Pureblood family that ruled over all vampires?"

Kaito smiled. "Oh, that's easy! The Kuran family!"

Kaito was very smart and soon to be very powerful. When he was born, his cries would break the windows. He had to stay in a room that had no windows because of that.

"Correct! you have been studying well, Kaito!" I said.

When Masato was about to ask Kaito the next question, an explosion was heard outside of the residence. I looked outside the window and there was a really tall man with one blue and one brown eye. He looked really scary. My aunts and uncles came down the stairs, hearing the explosion. They all knew what was happening.

"Mitsuki, Masato, get Kaito out of here now!" said my mother, Sakura.

"Got it. Kaito, come with us." I said.

But when I turned around, Kaito was no longer there. Now I started to get really worried, and all of us got out of the house, only to see Kaito face to face against him... Rido Kuran. Masato then screamed at Kaito.

"Kaito, get back here right now! You're not powerful enough to go up against him!" My father said.

But Kaito ignored him and decided to be a show off and fight Rido. Rido just stood there, amused laughing.

"I'm going to kill you, little boy, and I am going to take all of your blood and leave you dry!"

My parents and my aunts and uncles went to go to Rido, but Rido used his powers to keep them frozen, so that they wouldn't take a step further. He did the same with Masato and I. They began fighting, and the residence and the trees surrounding it began to catch fire. Kaito made a move he shouldn't have, and Rido had an opening and stabbed Kaito. This left him paralyzed and Rido took this opportunity, grabbed Kaito, put him on his shoulder and went into the woods. I was not going to let this happen. I was able to break out and run out into the woods, going after Rido.

"Mitsuki, wait!" screamed my father, Ryoichi.

But I just kept running. It was a very cloudy night, and the moon was hiding itself within the clouds. I ran and ran after Rido, when in front of me, there was a horrible sight. Rido's face was covered in blood, and Kaito, who had turned into dust and all you could see was the clothes he wore. The moon had shown itself right behind where Rido was. He then stood up and sneered at me.

"Hmhm... You're next, Mitsuki Kobayashi... I will come for you someday.."

And with that, he disappeared. I ran up to the place where Kaito's remains were. I cried and cried until I screamed.


*end of Mitsuki's dream*

"NOOO!" I woke up as I got up instantly, tears coming out of my eyes.

"It's my fault... I should have done something to protect him..."

It has been two years since my little brother Kaito was murdered by that monster, Rido Kuran. We moved to a new residence in the woods, but with less trees. My family and I have been in hiding for these two years, and Rido hasn't made his appearance.. Yet. For these past two years, I have been getting nightmares of what happened and Rido attempting to drink my blood since I am his next "prey." The sun was setting and night was approaching. Today was my first day at Cross Academy. My parents decided to get me out of Moon Academy because many of Rido's followers attended that school, and they served as spies to watch over me.

"Might as well get an early start." I said to myself.

I got up out of my bed and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess. Tears were still running down through my cheeks, and there were bags under my eyes.

"Wow, I'm so pathetic. Still crying on events that happened two years ago."

As I was about to leave the mirror, I heard a voice.

"Mitsuki... I'm watching you my sweet little dessert. Very soon you will be mine..."

Then, an image of Rido appeared behind me in the mirror.

"NO! GO AWAY! YOU MONSTER!" My powers caused the mirror to break into pieces and Rido disappeared. I sat in a corner in my room, put my hands on my knees, put my head down and started crying. Someone then knocked on the door.

"Mitsuki, it's me, Masato." I was relieved at hearing his voice.

"Come in..." I said in a soft tone, When Masato entered the room, he was surprised at how the windows were cracked and the mirror was broken. Masato knew what was going on because he knew the nightmares I was having and the hallucinations that I saw. He then walked up to me, sat next to me and hugged me.

"It's okay, Mitsuki. He's not going to get you. Cross Academy will be much safer for you. It's kind of early though. Don't you think you should get a little more rest?" He said.

I was not going back to sleep after that nightmare I had. I then cleared my tears.
"No, I'm fine. I need to put a few more things in my bags anyway. Thanks for coming." I said with a smile on my face. Masato smiled.

"It's no problem at all. I'm glad I can cheer you up. I'll be on my way so that you can get ready."

Masato then left my room. Maybe a nice bath could help. I entered the bathroom and got out my favorite bath bubbles, which had the scent of blood orange and wild orchid. Then I filled up the bathtub, added the bath bubbles and added some rose petals. I then took off my clothes and entered the tub. I instantly felt relaxed and I felt all the tension I had wash away.

Then all of a sudden I begin to feel extremely thirsty. I didn't have my blood tablets near me so I just licked my wrist and began sucking blood from there. After two minutes, I stopped drinking my blood and cleaned up my wrist. I stayed in the tub for a while longer and then got out. I then dried up and got dressed. I ended up wearing a casual white dress that went up to my knees with a long pink sweater. For shoes, I put on some pink flats and then put on a nice stylish scarf. Yes, I guess you can say that I'm a vampire that dresses very girly girl. I brushed my hair and kept it in the way I usually keep it. I then finished packing my bags and took one last look at my room.

"Looks like I won't be seeing this room for a while.." I then went downstairs, where my brother and parents were waiting to take me to Cross Academy...

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