20th Night: Fighting For Our Future

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*Mitsuki's PoV*
     Using my super speed, I was able to get far away enough from Rido. It was a snowy night and clouds were passing in the sky. As soon as I was at a fair distance, I took my time because I still have a headache, so I stopped for a bit. I breathed in and out once again to control my powers. My powers are still a little out of control, but I can survive. After that, I used my super speed to keep going.

*Kaname's PoV*
I was in my office, looking at the falling snow.

"Mitsuki.. I hope you are ok. I hope Rido isn't hurting you in any sort of way."

As I was looking out to the distance, I heard knocking on the door.

"Excuse me, Father! May I come in? This is very urgent!"

I had a questioned look on my face, but answered anyways.

"Yes, of course. Come in, Koichi." Koichi entered with a happy expression on his face.

"Father, I can sense Mother's presence! She's escaped from Rido!" I instantly got up from my chair.

"Koichi, can you tell me where she is?" He smiled.

"Of course! She's approaching near the town! She's very close!" How can he detect her so fast? Could it maybe because I can't focus enough to even use them?

"All right. Let's go, Koichi." I got up and got ready to leave.

"Wait, you want to go NOW?" He said surprisingly.

"Of course. Come on, let's go." Koichi and I then walked down the main staircase, and no one still does not know about Koichi's sudden change. When we went downstairs, Takuma, Akatsuki, Hanabusa, Rima, Ruka, Ayumu, Takahiro, Kyoko, and Kaoru were all downstairs, sitting in the living room. They were all looking at Koichi.

"Kaname, that couldn't be.." They all knew it was Koichi because his face and body is similar to mine.

"Oh my god! Is that little Koichi?!" Kyoko said.

"It is me, Kyoko. Can't you tell?"

Kyoko then went up to Koichi and pinched both sides of his cheeks.

"OMG! It is! It's the same soft cheeks!"

"Well, I knew it was Koichi the second I saw him. He looks like Kaname when he was a kid! He's soo adorable!" Takuma said.

"Guys, I appreciate the love, but I need some space here!"

Hanabusa then went up to Koichi.

"Koichi-chaannn, can you answer my question? Why don't you like me?" Koichi then glared at Hanabusa.

"Simply because you are just so immature and annoying. But only because you're a special friend to my mother, I'll attempt to be a little nice to you." Hanabusa smiled happily and hugged Koichi.

"Arigatoooo! Koichi-chaaan!" Koichi was a little annoyed, but put his hand on his back.

"Ok, Hanabusa, you can let go now..." Hanabusa let go.

"Where are the both of you going?" Takuma said curiously.

"It's a secret.. You'll see when we come back." Koichi said.

I've noticed that Koichi's personality is a mix of Mitsuki and I's personality. He's very calm and collected when it comes to facing things, and like Mitsuki, he can be caring and soft spoken. Koichi and I left to town to go find Mitsuki. The town lights were shining brightly in the beautiful snowy night.

"Do you think your mother will be surprised by your sudden change?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, I think she will." 

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