10th Night: A Shocking Revelation

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After a fifteen minute ride, we had finally arrived to the residence. The car ride was ok, Hana-chan kept talking to me about the past, and the things we did as kids, but most of the time, I stayed silent because I've been dizzy and thirsty for blood for a few nights, and I've been drinking blood tablets but it isn't sufficient. The painful thirst keeps going on.

"Mitsuki-chan, are you ok? You have been quiet for the entire car ride."

"I'm fine.. Just fine."

"Ok.. If you say so." He said.

We then put our masks on and walked our way into the residence. He then told me to grab his arm. We then made our entrance. Everything was beautiful. Everyone was in masks, and just standing around talking to their partners. I stood with Hanabusa near one of the railings drinking a glass of wine. I looked around to see if Kaname and Ruka have arrived, but there was no sign of them. Hanabusa looked a little upset.

"You're not having as much as fun because I'm not Lord Kaname, right. You prefer being with him over me?" I do, obviously, but I don't want to say it straight out like that. "I'm sorry. It's fun to hang out with you, Hana-chan, but you always seem to get the wrong idea. Kaname heard what you said the other day. That you wish that you were with me, and you want to share feelings. I know that you still love me, Hana-chan, and I'm sorry that I'm not able to return your feelings. But we can still be best friends, and if you ever want to vent, just come to me."

Hanabusa then gave me a sad smile, which made me feel pity.

"Ok. I'm happy that you still want to be best friends Mitsuki-chan. Thanks." I smiled.

"Want to go outside and get fresh air, like we used to at every party?" He said.

He then smiled. "Sure."

We walked to the balcony, and as I looked down, I don't know if that was my imagination, but I thought I saw Kaito's spirit down there. Then I saw Kaname and Ruka arrive, wearing their masks.  I began to have a terrible thirst for blood, and I ran out of blood tablets. 

"Hana-chan, do you have any blood tablets?" I asked him.

"Yeah, why? Craving blood?"

I then nodded.

"Here, take the rest of the package. I have a spare one."

"Thanks, Hana-chan. I'm going to go inside and get a glass of water."

As I walked inside, all the vampire boys that were around my age were looking at me and whispering.

"Whoever got that girl is the luckiest guy. She's a beauty." One of them said.

Ugh. It's this dress. But oh well. I got my glass of water then slowly made my way back to the balcony.

*Kaname's POV*

Ruka and I were arriving at the ball. As we walked in, I looked outside to the balcony, and I see Mitsuki was with Hanabusa. This is like déjà vu back to the past. Then I saw him hand a pack of blood tablets to her. Is she ok? I gave her a pack yesterday, and she drank them all. Unless.. it can't be possible that.. As I was in my thoughts, I saw Mitsuki coming in. All the boys were looking at her and complementing her.

"Whoever got that girl is the luckiest guy. She's a beauty."

I have to admit, to be honest, I just want to take her and keep her to myself. But that would be wrong, wouldn't it? I saw her go back outside to the balcony, and saw her adding a bunch of blood tablets to her drink. She needs real blood. Ever since that night her and I made love, she's been craving blood ever since. I then saw Senri enter with Rima. But he wasn't being himself. Behind the mask, I saw an evil smirk coming from his face. I know that that is Rido trying to get Mitsuki. I have to do something. Then Ruka spoke.

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