Chapter 8

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Chapter 8-










Hurt wasn't the word I could use to describe how I was feeling right now; I was beyond that. Angry, pissed, misused, and neglected was what I was and had been feeling ever since the accident that occurred yesterday at the mall. My heart felt like it had been broken into pieces, and the worst thing out of all of it, I had to go to this stupid dinner party Ken had arranged tonight.

I didn't know how the hell I was going to act civilized and cordial at the get-together with the shit that was swimming in my head. I didn't know how I could take looking at Ken and Toni at the same time without acting like how a grown woman was supposed to act. I didn't know if I could even look him in the face, knowing that he did the ultimate no-no behind my back. I knew what he did at the mall wasn't exactly assumed as cheating, but still it was the common sense behind it.

Don't get me wrong, I still loved Ken with all my heart. But, I didn't know how long I could take with the bullshit he was constantly pulling on me. It was like one minute he was the good, caring, and thoughtful one, then the next minute, he was careless, hurtful, and deriding. I knew deep down somewhere in that body of his, he had some type of love and care towards me, but I was eerily waiting for the time he would actually show it.

"Hey, Jasmine, I thought you might like some sliced apples I bought at Fruities, so I brought you some just---" he paused when he looked at my tear stained face, and frowned. "Jas, are you OK?"

No answer escaped from my lips. After all that had happened yesterday, how could I be expected to talk. Instead, I just sniffed, then wiped my nose on the fifteenth tissue I had used today.

Stefan sighed heavily when he noticed that I was't going to give him an answer; I knew he knew that the reason I was so upset was because of Ken. He was basically why I always cried. Stefan blew out another deep breath, then started inside my room, softly closing it behind him. He then walked towards the side of my bed, but I didn't look though; I was too busy drowning out my thoughts at the sight of of the little kids playing outside my window. I didn't know what it was about me, but I chuckled at that. To see little children laughing and playing with each other as if life didn't exist to them was appealing to me. It made me reminisce about the times I didn't have to worry about relationships, boys, love, and sex. I just had the freedom to do what I wanted to do without the consequences of life.

In about a moment's time, I felt a slight dip on my bed, indicating Stefan was sitting right beside me. The smell of his new cologne flew through my nose, and I closed my eyes at the scent.

"Hey, girl, are you alright?" Stefan asked me in his sensual and soft voice.

I shrugged; I didn't know what I was feeling. It was a mixture of pain and hurt, and neglecting. I just kept my head steady ahead at the brightened window of the sun in front of me. He continued. "Jasmine, I don't know what happened at the mall, but I'm sure everything isn't as bad as you're thinking it's going to be."

This time I responded when I turned my head towards him. He gave me a small smile, and then I looked right back at the window. "You know, Stefan," I said, slowly twiddling my thumbs, "As I watch those little kids outside playing with each other, I think about me and my childhood. I think of how lucky I used to be with the kind of family I grew up with. I think of how lucky I used to be when I didn't have to worry about the bullshit that's occurring in my life now, and I used to think about I how lucky I was before life took me in. I wish I was a little kid again, you know? I just want to live one more day like the kid I used to be; without any worries and responsibilities. I want to be free again."

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