Chapter 10

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Picture of Ken on the side>>>>


Chapter 10-


"Stefan, could you hand me that Windex sitting underneath that left cabinet over there?" I asked, as I scattered through the pantry cabinet to retrieve a pair of latex gloves, and a bottle of cleaning soap.

He subconsiously rolled his eyes before he went by the sink and grabbed the bottle, then preceded back to where I was, but upon handing it to me, I noticed a small frown form underneath the tip of his eyebrows, which caused a confused expression to be plastered on my face.

"Why the sad face?" I asked as I began opening up the bottle cap, then started pouring a sizable amount of the solution onto the brush.

He shrugged. "I just think you're getting a little extreme with this whole cleaning session for Ken."

I sighed. "Well what do you expect, Stefan? We do have a visitor coming by; I can't just let this place look like a rat's den."

"First of all, Jasmine," he started, resting his back against the wooden counter, and then interlacing his two arms across his masculine defined chest, "Ken is no guest here; he's your boyfriend, like Chantel is mine, and second, you are going to far with this cleaning shit. Look what you're even wearing," he said again, this time pointing his finger toward my clothes, "Isn't that evidence that you're caught up a little bit too much?"

I frowned even deeper, then looked down at what Stefan was referring to me about. The bleached blue faded jean overall I was wearing along with my grey-black Vans that decorated my feet wasn't as sophisticated as the dull white hat that sat on top of my head to protect any chemicals that was to come across it. I was just simply trying to make the house look suitable for Ken's liking because he rarely ever visited---matter of fact, he had never even stepped foot inside of this house. So if me going a little too far for Stefan's liking was going a little extreme, then that would be perfectly fine because I wanted this place to be perfect for when he arrived.

"Look, Stefan," I started, as I now began to roughly scrub against the gunck that stuck strongly against the sink counter. "It's obvious you don't give a crap that Ken is coming to visit today, but I do, so if me having to clean this whole house to get it to look spotless, then I'm damn well going to make it possible."

He sighed. "Alright, just do what you want, just know that I'm not going to be in any part of you're schemes I know you're going to pull on me once he's here."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say, Stefan. Just promise you'll be on you're best behavior."

"Yeah yeah," he replied back monotonously,  climbing off of the counter. He then made his way into the living room where I could now hear the loud volume of the television blare through the kitchen.

I shook my head at that, but ignored it. I was too focused on making sure this whole house was flawless so Ken could feel comfortable when he arrived. 


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