Chapter 11

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To lazy to edit, so ignore any mistakes you see...

Picture of Chantel on the side>>>>>

Chapter 11-


The comforting embrace of Ken's arms around my naked body felt good as I woke up from my beautifully well-kept slumber. It had been several long weeks since he held me like this, and I didn't want this feeling to ever end.

Comfort, love, and compassion.

These three words couldn't desribe how I was feeling every time I was close to Ken. He always had a way of making me feel like I was the highest woman on earth, and I always felt the urge to love him more than I already did. He was my rock, and I was his most prized possession.

I slowly and gently shifted my body, so that I was now facing Ken's sleeping face, and it took me my all to try not to make love to him right then and there. The soft, but semi-loud snores escaping from his mouth was a delight to hear, the steady heaving of his bare chest made my blood boil, and the constant movings of his fingers involuntarily rubbing against my skin brought goosebumps on my most intimate areas.

I loved Ken; everyone I knew knew that. He was the other piece of me, who I planned to one day marry. The love we had for each other was never-ending just for the fact that nothing could tear us apart, and I knew one day Ken would finally realize that enough to officially make me his. The love we made last night was the solid evidence to prove it; he and I were meant to be together no matter what obstacles life threw at us.

I continued to look intently at Ken, staring deeply at how beautiful he looked with his eyes closed, and I couldn't help but to smile. The constant movements of his invlountarily moving lips seemed to amaze me, but then again, anything that had to do with Ken excited me in ways I couldn't even imagine. 

It was a matter of time before his eyes started to flutter open, and once he had enough energy to control them, he landed his gaze on me. The smile on my face never ceased to end, but to only enlarge.

"Good morning, Ken," I said, smiling from ear to ear.

He chuckled softly, his voice crackling from the sleep in which he just awoke from. "Good morning, sweetheart. How was your sleep?"

"It was fantastic, especially when you had me in your arms," I replied, twirling my index fingers around his bulging shoulder.

"Well, baby, it felt good to finally get the chance to hold, touch and feel your soft body," he returned, rubbing my cheeks gently. "You don't know how much I missed seeing your beautiful face."

His continuous massages against my cheek sent a certain chill down my spine, and the urge to fight my sexual wantings for him began rise. Holding the hand he had on my face, I replied, "You're so sweet, Ken. You always know what to say to make me smile."

"And you know what to do to make me love you even more," he rebutted, then gave me a small peck on my forehead before he shifted himself against the bed, so that he was now sitting up. "I'm going to go freshen up, alright? And when I'm done, I'll whip us both some breakfast, so we can enjoy each other's time before I leave for work."

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