Chapter 17

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Chapter 17-


With my elbows resting against my knees as I sat against the edge of my bed, I stared hypnotically towards the muted t.v. as if it was the most normal thing in the world. I wasn't paying attention to it though; the only person that managed to stay on my mind was Jasmine and that kiss.

I didn't know what took over me when I planted one on her. It was like something strong took over me at that quick minute. Just the way she looked when she cried in front of me had my heart doing flips, and that feeling of lust made me do something I never would've thought could happen. However, that didn't mean that I didn't like it. In fact, I wanted to do it again. But, for so many reasons, I couldn't. I had already endangered my relationship with Chantel when I collided my lips with Jasmine. I couldn't manage to end it by having sex with her. Chantel was way too important to me for just one fuck. And even though I really wanted to go there with her, I had to think about how my life and how it'd be affected if that point was crossed.

Several weeks had passed though and I was still waiting for my aching lust to end. Because of me, I hadn't seen nor talked to Chantel and I was missing her terribly for it. It had been extremely difficult for me to wake up everyday, knowing that she and I weren't on speaking terms. I hated fighting with her because I knew she hated altercations, so that's why I knew I had to make things right. I wasn't about to lose my relationship because of my insecurities and secrets. Chantel had been the perfect girlfriend to me, so I at least had to owe her my gratitude.

I slowly got up from from the mattress, and slowly walked towards the night-stand where my phone laid, then picked it up. Thinking it was about time that I'd man up and speak to her, I dialed her number and listened to three long rings before she answered.

"Hello?" she called.

I couldn't help but smile at the sound of her voice I had managed to miss for several long days. I couldn't even believe that I could go without seeing her face let alone hearing her sweet voice. "Hi, Chantel," I started, sitting back down on the mattress. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing good," she answered softly, "what about you?"

"Not so great," I said with a big sigh. "I've been thinking non-stop about you ever since our argument."

She paused for a few moments before she answered again. "Same goes here, Stefan. I hate fighting with you, but you have to understand where I'm coming from, baby."

I sighed again in relief. To know that she wasn't angry with me anymore was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. "I know, Chantel. It's just that somethings are more complicated than others; and even though I shouldn't be keeping secrets from you, I can't just tell you what I have to say yet."

"But why, Stefan?" she asked in confusion. "You say you trust and love me, so what's keeping you from telling me what's bothering you? We're in a relationship and secrets aren't supposed to be kept hidden, especially if it's bringing stress in your life."

I shook my head in shame as I let my hand glide themselves down my face. It was aggravating to know that Chantel was right. Secrets weren't supposed to be kept in a relationship. But, I was just scared at the thought of losing Chantel over mine; if I told her I was lusting for my best-friend, then her heart would be shattered, and I didn't want that.

"I know, baby, I know. But, I just can't tell you anything right now until I know how to understand it myself. And if I still can't get anything working, then I
I'll come talk to you, alright?"

She breathed heavily. "OK, Stefan, even though it still hurts me that you can't tell me anything, I'll take up on your offer. But please, Stefan, promise me you'll eventually tell me; I can't continue a relationship based on lies and secrets."

I nodded agreeably. "OK, Chantel. I love you with all my heart."

"I love you, too. I'll see you later, alright?"

"OK, bye, Chanel," I replied.

"Bye, babe."

And with that being said, I ended the call then hastily threw it on the space beside me with a rough fall against the bed. I just needed to do whatever I had to do if I needed to stop Jasmine from taking over my mind.

Chantel was too valuable for me to lose her out of my life.

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