Chapter 25

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Chapter 25-


I felt like everything had been taken from me.

As I looked out the windows and unto the moving buildings and trees as they passed by the thought of Ken dying fulfilled my mind and thoughts. My whole body couldn't stop shaking, my throat couldn't keep quiet, and my soft whimpers were beginning to get louder by the minute.

I still couldn't believe Ken - the Ken I'd known for five years - was laying helpless in the hospital room. Just the mere thought of him dying in that cold, white room disturbed me intensely and every doubtful thought entered my mind. How was he coping? Was he in terrible pain? Would the doctors tell me what I didn't want to hear? Or worse, was he going to die?

All these jumbled thoughts only corrupted my worries and expanded my doubts. My whole world would crash if the possibility happened. I would literally never be myself again. My love for Ken spoke in high volumes and even though I knew our relationship was over that didn't stop me from loving and caring deeply about him. I needed him to fight. Fight for life and even for me. I wasn't about to let him slip away from my fingers because of one stupid car accident. 

No, I'd rather die myself.

As I continued to look out the window, I hadn't noticed that we had stopped moving until Stefan gave my thigh a comforting squeeze. When I turned my head to look at him all I could see was pure concern and worry. Tears couldn't stop evading my eyes and my soft sobs couldn't be control. All these things were pure involuntary.

"Jas, we're here," he spoke softly as his hands continued to rub my thigh.

I stood still. No response. No action. Nothing. I was too scared to walk in that hospital room to be informed that they were too late. But Stefan had other ideas because he reached across of me and released my seat belt before he opened the door where I was greeted by a vast speed of cold wind. "Jasmine, everything is going to be alright, OK? Stop sweating."

"W-what if he doesn't......make it, Stefan?" I sobbed. "What if I go in there and they tell me it's too late? Lord knows I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he's....dead."

Stefan raised his hand and gently tugged my chin, urging me to give him eye contact and I did. The determined but soft look in his eyes gave me some kind of strength to walk in there and see for myself what was really going on inside that room where Ken was currently laid up in. "Jasmine, stop doubting. Ken is going to be just fine and when you walk up in there, you'll see how right I've come to be. Just go in there and let him know you're right by his side OK? I'll see you in a little bit; I've got to go back to the party before Chantel flips. But, call me if you need anything. I mean it, Jas."

Upon my fear and hurt, I managed to give Stefan a small smile. Nodding my head, he gave me a small peck on the forehead before I managed to carry myself away from the car. After closing it with a hard slam, I immediately started running in my 6in. heels.

As soon as I made way through the automatic double doors of the building, I ignored the strong stench of bleach and pure hospital as I ran quickly towards the front desk where an old, husky woman sat hypnotized by the bright screen of that old ass computer.

"Excuse me," I started frantically. "Which room is Kenny Henderson located?"

The lady looked up at me and smiled apologetically, heavy lines of wrinkles clouding her eyes. "I'm sorry, Mr. Kenny Henderson is quite in critical condition, so you'll just have to wait in the waiting area right here where his family members are."

I was quick to open my mouth when a small hand touched the tender skin of my shoulders. I quickly turned around to see Mrs. Henderson who's eyes were greatly puffy and red while her husband, Mr. Henderson consoling her dearly. Without any words, she threw her arms around me tightly and I just sat there and took it, both of us bawling our eyes out.

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