Chapter 20

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Chapter 20-


A slow, rhythmic pace moving underneath me woke me from my deep slumber. Fluttering open my eyes, I looked down to see that Stefan was sleeping soundly, his chest moving in therapeutic clusters. I couldn't help but sigh in pleasure as his heart beat vibrated through his skin, impulsing my very core. Looking into his closed eyes, I traced my fingers around the starting of his orbs, smiling at how soft they felt. In my whole years of knowing him,  I never noticed how beautiful he looked better yet, how good he felt underneath me. I felt a sense of protection and comfort running through the course of my body in which I never felt when Ken and I laid like this. It felt so welcoming, I didn't want to leave, but too bad I had to.

I waited  a few more seconds to feel the soft vibrations of his heart before I slowly made my way out of his reach. He stirred a little as a response but fell right back into his dreamful state. Smiling wryly, I headed towards the mount of stairs, unclasping the thin string of my robe as I then headed straight for the bathroom. Since I had about an hour and thirty minutes left for work, I thought I'd use this bathroom time as a relaxation, considering all the stress I pushed myself to during these few days.

As soon as I felt the silk feeling of my robe fall down to my feet, I stepped into the cold ground of the bathtub and sat down slowly, feeling the bumpy sensations of tub rub against my bottom. I then turned on the hot portion of the faucet and sat right back against the head of the tub to feel the warm water run through me. I sighed in immense relaxation as the steamy liquid touched my every pore, warming me in great pleasure.

Just when I felt the water was at it's best length, I leaned forward and turned off the faucet before I laid right back against the the top portion of the tub, dropping my head against the wall behind me. I then closed my eyes to try to relinquish the many stressful things that had been gong through my mind.

As I felt my relief closing in, the one person that managed to stay coursing through my head was Stefan, who was probably still downstairs sleeping. He was one of the topics that had been causing me so much stress, due to the intimacy we just shared about a week ago. And when I found myself laying against his chest this morning, it brought more confusing feelings towards him for me to take time and figure out. The thought of Chantel, his relationship with her, and my relationship with Ken instantly bombarded me. It was like guilt was trying to get me to open my eyes to realize the damaged I - or should I say we - had caused. 

Chantel was too good of a person to be cheated and lied to. She was the perfect piece to Stefan's puzzle; too bad he and I had already sacrificed the relationship when I jumped in bed with him. However, because I knew Chantel was the forgiving, understandible type, their would be something worth saving for them to just end like that.

I sighed heavily. Thinking about the consequence of the problems I caused were just too stressful to keep mind about. I guess I was just going to have to act like nothing happened between us.

The hour hand on the clock seemed to progess, and the water filtering below me started to shift temperatures. Feeling as if my time in the bathroom was enough, I carefully stepped out of the tub, grabbed my towel, then headed for my room. And just as I was about to enter though, loud footsteps I assumed to be Stefan's was heard sifting through the steps. Immediately, my heart began to race quickly as I fondled witht the knob to get through, but unfortunately, my plan to quickly make it in failed when Stefan halted lazily upon seeing me.

Because he had just woken up from his sleep, his eyes dilated immensely, his body bended slightly, and he placed a hand over his face to brighten him up from the drwsiness I assumed he was feeling.

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